
css: update selectors for odig package title this is for the package index pages. it appears that the new heading structure is something like this: ``` <header class="odoc-preamble"> <h1 id="package-angstrom"> <a href="#package-angstrom" class="anchor"></a> Package angstrom <span class="version">0.16.1</span> <nav> <a href="">issues</a> <a href="#package_info">moreā€¦</a> </nav> </h1> ``` notably, the h1 element doesn't have a .package classname anymore. the new selectors are borrowed from the odig css.

Jan 23 15:16 +00:00
*Variants labelled (experimental) are still undergoing testing; if they have failed it may be a bug in OCaml-CI.