generate better asts for function bindings
let foo1 : _ = function () -> ()
let foo2 x : _ = function () -> ()
are parsed into these value_bindings:
(* foo1 *)
{ pvb_args = []
; pvb_constraint = Some "_"
; pvb_body = Pfunction_cases ...
(* foo2 *)
{ pvb_args = ["x"]
; pvb_constraint = Some "_"
; pvb_body = Pfunction_cases ...
I expect instead:
(* foo1 *)
{ pvb_args = []
; pvb_constraint = Some "_"
; pvb_body = Pfunction_body (Pexp_function ([], None, Pfunction_cases ...))
(* foo2 (no changes here) *)
{ pvb_args = ["x"]
; pvb_constraint = Some "_"
; pvb_body = Pfunction_cases ...
I think the ast for foo1:
- is confusing
- creates a needless distinction between
`let f : _ = function () -> ()` vs `let f : _ = (function () -> ())`,
unlike, say, `1 + function () -> ()` vs `1 + (function () -> ())`.
- is essentially an invariant violation. The type of value_bindings
in ocamlformat should be understood to be the union of a non-function
let-binding + an inline pexp_function node.
But the node for foo1 corresponds to the syntax of neither a non-function
let-binding (because of body = Pfunction_cases _), nor an inline
pexp_function (because pexp_function can't have a type_constraint with
an empty list of params).