Organisationsmiragemirage-skeleton043caa ()(lint-fmt)



Show full logs
2024-06-30 13:59.47: New job: test mirage/mirage-skeleton (043caaeb84b1d33bccd6afbd2b26d7654b071315) (linux-x86_64:(lint-fmt))
Base: ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
ocamlformat version: version 0.26.2 (from opam)

To reproduce locally:

git clone --recursive "" && cd "mirage-skeleton" && git fetch origin "refs/pull/394/head" && git reset --hard 043caaeb
cat > Dockerfile <<'END-OF-DOCKERFILE'
FROM ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
USER 1000:1000
RUN cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e a6069b9eebba0e2b70cdbbd834bc800eb6d671fb || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard a6069b9eebba0e2b70cdbbd834bc800eb6d671fb && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u
RUN opam depext -i dune
RUN opam depext -i ocamlformat=0.26.2
COPY --chown=1000:1000 . /src/
RUN opam exec -- dune build @fmt --ignore-promoted-rules || (echo "dune build @fmt failed"; exit 2)

docker build .

2024-06-30 13:59.47: Using cache hint "mirage/mirage-skeleton-ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609-debian-12-4.08_opam-2.1-ocamlformat-a6069b9eebba0e2b70cdbbd834bc800eb6d671fb"
2024-06-30 13:59.47: Using OBuilder spec:
((from ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609)
 (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e a6069b9eebba0e2b70cdbbd834bc800eb6d671fb || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard a6069b9eebba0e2b70cdbbd834bc800eb6d671fb && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam depext -i dune"))
 (workdir /src)
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam depext -i ocamlformat=0.26.2"))
 (copy (src .) (dst /src/))
 (run (shell "opam exec -- dune build @fmt --ignore-promoted-rules || (echo \"dune build @fmt failed\"; exit 2)"))

2024-06-30 13:59.47: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-06-30 14:10.46: Waiting for worker…
2024-06-30 14:11.54: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on
All commits already cached
HEAD is now at 043caae changes

(from ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609)
Unable to find image 'ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609' locally Pulling from ocaml/opam
32aa6089d8b4: Pulling fs layer
32aa6089d8b4: Verifying Checksum
32aa6089d8b4: Download complete
32aa6089d8b4: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
Status: Downloaded newer image for ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
2024-06-30 14:11.55 ---> using "20ade4b6db603de4c3d3c7688e2141ab550c5db85c35791db0d4befd2f9e45d0" from cache

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))

/: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
        (network host)
        (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e a6069b9eebba0e2b70cdbbd834bc800eb6d671fb || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard a6069b9eebba0e2b70cdbbd834bc800eb6d671fb && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
a6069b9eeb [new release] dune (15 packages) (3.16.0)

<><> Updating package repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] synchronised from file:///home/opam/opam-repository
default (at file:///home/opam/opam-repository): 
    [INFO] opam 2.1 includes many performance improvements over 2.0; please consider upgrading (

Everything as up-to-date as possible (run with --verbose to show unavailable upgrades).
However, you may "opam upgrade" these packages explicitly, which will ask permission to downgrade or uninstall the conflicting packages.
Nothing to do.
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-30 14:11.55 ---> using "611f99113b8eff40d7b05496ac40878251881d20d0d0f82061a58449451818e0" from cache

/: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
        (network host)
        (shell "opam depext -i dune"))
# Detecting depexts using vars: arch=x86_64, os=linux, os-distribution=debian, os-family=debian
# No extra OS packages requirements found.
# All required OS packages found.
# Now letting opam install the packages
The following actions will be performed:
  - install dune 3.16.0

<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[dune.3.16.0] found in cache

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> installed dune.3.16.0
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-30 14:11.55 ---> using "93fe4dba2ad9c2d06e78131314a07326068c040feffac1658ff18606c4876dbd" from cache

/: (workdir /src)

/src: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
           (network host)
           (shell "opam depext -i ocamlformat=0.26.2"))
# Detecting depexts using vars: arch=x86_64, os=linux, os-distribution=debian, os-family=debian
# No extra OS packages requirements found.
# All required OS packages found.
# Now letting opam install the packages
The following actions will be performed:
  - install sexplib0          v0.14.0  [required by base]
  - install ocamlbuild        0.14.3   [required by fpath, astring, uuseg]
  - install menhirCST         20231231 [required by menhir]
  - install either            1.0.0    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install menhirSdk         20231231 [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install ocamlfind         1.9.6    [required by ocp-indent, astring, fpath, uuseg]
  - install cmdliner          1.3.0    [required by ocamlformat]
  - install menhirLib         20231231 [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install result            1.5      [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install seq               base     [required by re]
  - install csexp             1.5.2    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install ocaml-version     3.6.7    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install camlp-streams     5.0.1    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install dune-build-info   3.16.0   [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install fix               20230505 [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install topkg             1.0.7    [required by fpath, astring, uuseg]
  - install base-bytes        base     [required by ocp-indent]
  - install menhir            20231231 [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install re                1.11.0   [required by ocamlformat]
  - install dune-configurator 3.16.0   [required by base]
  - install uutf              1.0.3    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install astring           0.8.5    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install ocp-indent        1.8.1    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install base              v0.14.3  [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install uucp              15.0.0   [required by uuseg]
  - install fpath             0.7.3    [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install stdio             v0.14.0  [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install uuseg             15.0.0   [required by ocamlformat-lib]
  - install ocamlformat-lib   0.26.2   [required by ocamlformat]
  - install ocamlformat       0.26.2
===== 30 to install =====

<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[astring.0.8.5] found in cache
[base.v0.14.3] found in cache
[camlp-streams.5.0.1] found in cache
[cmdliner.1.3.0] found in cache
[csexp.1.5.2] found in cache
[dune-build-info.3.16.0] found in cache
[dune-configurator.3.16.0] found in cache
[either.1.0.0] found in cache
[fix.20230505] found in cache
[fpath.0.7.3] found in cache
[menhir.20231231] found in cache
[menhirCST.20231231] found in cache
[menhirLib.20231231] found in cache
[menhirSdk.20231231] found in cache
[ocaml-version.3.6.7] found in cache
[ocamlbuild.0.14.3] found in cache
[ocamlfind.1.9.6] found in cache
[ocamlformat.0.26.2] found in cache
[ocamlformat-lib.0.26.2] found in cache
[ocp-indent.1.8.1] found in cache
[re.1.11.0] found in cache
[result.1.5] found in cache
[sexplib0.v0.14.0] found in cache
[stdio.v0.14.0] found in cache
[topkg.1.0.7] found in cache
[uucp.15.0.0] found in cache
[uuseg.15.0.0] found in cache
[uutf.1.0.3] found in cache

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> installed seq.base
-> installed camlp-streams.5.0.1
-> installed cmdliner.1.3.0
-> installed csexp.1.5.2
-> installed either.1.0.0
-> installed fix.20230505
-> installed menhirCST.20231231
-> installed menhirLib.20231231
-> installed menhirSdk.20231231
-> installed ocaml-version.3.6.7
-> installed result.1.5
-> installed sexplib0.v0.14.0
-> installed re.1.11.0
-> installed dune-build-info.3.16.0
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
-> installed dune-configurator.3.16.0
-> installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
-> installed base-bytes.base
-> installed ocp-indent.1.8.1
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
-> installed base.v0.14.3
-> installed astring.0.8.5
-> installed uutf.1.0.3
-> installed stdio.v0.14.0
-> installed menhir.20231231
-> installed fpath.0.7.3
-> installed uucp.15.0.0
-> installed uuseg.15.0.0
-> installed ocamlformat-lib.0.26.2
-> installed ocamlformat.0.26.2

<><> ocp-indent.1.8.1 installed successfully ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> This package requires additional configuration for use in editors. Install package 'user-setup', or manually:

   * for Emacs, add these lines to ~/.emacs:
     (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/share/emacs/site-lisp")
     (require 'ocp-indent)

   * for Vim, add this line to ~/.vimrc:
     set rtp^="/home/opam/.opam/4.08/share/ocp-indent/vim"
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-30 14:11.55 ---> using "e60d03902584991d530b7a8e37002cab80bed1b7eecc6c3c17c0e0c14cc3baf6" from cache

/src: (copy (src .) (dst /src/))
2024-06-30 14:11.55 ---> saved as "35af4439774630e69c3461d37533be7b3abe9c4640fe9b352d129b67655eceda"

/src: (run (shell "opam exec -- dune build @fmt --ignore-promoted-rules || (echo \"dune build @fmt failed\"; exit 2)"))
File "device-usage/clock/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/device-usage/clock/ b/_build/default/device-usage/clock/.formatted/
index 648a1bb..76fa062 100644
--- a/_build/default/device-usage/clock/
+++ b/_build/default/device-usage/clock/.formatted/
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 open Lwt.Infix
-module Main
-    (PClock : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK)
-    (MClock : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) =
+module Main (PClock : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) (MClock : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) =
   let start pclock mclock _time =
     let rec speak pclock mclock () =
File "applications/dhcp/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/applications/dhcp/ b/_build/default/applications/dhcp/.formatted/
index 88526a1..0403607 100644
--- a/_build/default/applications/dhcp/
+++ b/_build/default/applications/dhcp/.formatted/
@@ -13,6 +13,4 @@ let main =
   let extra_deps = [ dep default_time ] in
   main ~extra_deps "Unikernel.Main" ~packages (network @-> mclock @-> job)
-let () =
-  register "dhcp"
-    [ main $ default_network $ default_monotonic_clock ]
+let () = register "dhcp" [ main $ default_network $ default_monotonic_clock ]
File "applications/dhcp/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/applications/dhcp/ b/_build/default/applications/dhcp/.formatted/
index 1b5fb4b..c9a25dc 100644
--- a/_build/default/applications/dhcp/
+++ b/_build/default/applications/dhcp/.formatted/
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 open Lwt.Infix
-module Main
-    (N : Mirage_net.S)
-    (MClock : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) =
+module Main (N : Mirage_net.S) (MClock : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) = struct
   module E = Ethernet.Make (N)
   module A = Arp.Make (E)
   module DC = Dhcp_config
File "tutorial/hello/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/tutorial/hello/ b/_build/default/tutorial/hello/.formatted/
index 1242276..6506fb4 100644
--- a/_build/default/tutorial/hello/
+++ b/_build/default/tutorial/hello/.formatted/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ let start _time =
   let rec loop = function
     | 0 -> Lwt.return_unit
     | n ->
- (fun f -> f "hello");
-      Mirage_time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 1) >>= fun () -> loop (n - 1)
+ (fun f -> f "hello");
+        Mirage_time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 1) >>= fun () -> loop (n - 1)
   loop 4
File "tutorial/hello-key/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/tutorial/hello-key/ b/_build/default/tutorial/hello-key/.formatted/
index 8ea8c74..fb80ec6 100644
--- a/_build/default/tutorial/hello-key/
+++ b/_build/default/tutorial/hello-key/.formatted/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ let start () hello =
   let rec loop = function
     | 0 -> Lwt.return_unit
     | n ->
- (fun f -> f "%s" hello);
-      Mirage_time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 1) >>= fun () -> loop (n - 1)
+ (fun f -> f "%s" hello);
+        Mirage_time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 1) >>= fun () -> loop (n - 1)
   loop 4
File "tutorial/lwt/heads2/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/heads2/ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/heads2/.formatted/
index 08a349d..f3d5595 100644
--- a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/heads2/
+++ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/heads2/.formatted/
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ open Mirage
 let main =
   let extra_deps = [ dep default_time ] in
-  main
-    ~extra_deps
+  main ~extra_deps
     ~packages:[ package "duration"; package "randomconv" ]
     "Unikernel" job
File "tutorial/lwt/timeout1/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/.formatted/
index f4b865d..225463b 100644
--- a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/
+++ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/.formatted/
@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ open Mirage
 let main =
   let extra_deps = [ dep default_time ] in
-  main
-    ~extra_deps
+  main ~extra_deps
     ~packages:[ package "duration"; package ~max:"0.2.0" "randomconv" ]
-    "Unikernel.Timeout1"
-    (random @-> job)
+    "Unikernel.Timeout1" (random @-> job)
 let () = register "timeout1" [ main $ default_random ]
File "tutorial/lwt/timeout2/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/.formatted/
index d7773c0..9b446e8 100644
--- a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/
+++ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/.formatted/
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ let main =
   let extra_deps = [ dep default_time ] in
   main ~extra_deps
     ~packages:[ package "duration"; package ~max:"0.2.0" "randomconv" ]
-    "Unikernel.Timeout2"
-    (random @-> job)
+    "Unikernel.Timeout2" (random @-> job)
 let () = register "timeout2" [ main $ default_random ]
File "tutorial/lwt/timeout1/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/.formatted/
index fee5d94..28185f9 100644
--- a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/
+++ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout1/.formatted/
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ module Timeout1 (R : Mirage_random.S) = struct
   let start _r _time =
     let t =
-      Mirage_time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:3000 generate))
+      Mirage_time.sleep_ns
+        (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:3000 generate))
       >|= fun () -> "Heads"
     timeout (Duration.of_sec 2) t >|= function
File "tutorial/lwt/timeout2/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/.formatted/
index 1223113..648e77f 100644
--- a/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/
+++ b/_build/default/tutorial/lwt/timeout2/.formatted/
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ module Timeout2 (R : Mirage_random.S) = struct
   let start _r _time =
     let t =
-      Mirage_time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:3000 generate))
+      Mirage_time.sleep_ns
+        (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:3000 generate))
       >|= fun () -> "Heads"
     timeout (Duration.of_sec 2) t >|= function
dune build @fmt failed
"/usr/bin/env" "bash" "-c" "opam exec -- dune build @fmt --ignore-promoted-rules || (echo "dune build @fmt failed"; exit 2)" failed with exit status 2
2024-06-30 14:11.57: Job failed: Failed: Build failed