Organisationsmirageirmin66c614 ()freebsd-5.2_opam-2.1


Link Copied
Code Copied


2024-06-30 09:16.28: New job: test mirage/irmin (66c61443fdc44ca7d6541e5f5d70c89b3d567f54) (freebsd-x86_64:freebsd-5.2_opam-2.1)
Base: freebsd-ocaml-5.2
Opam project build

To reproduce locally:

git clone --recursive "" && cd "irmin" && git fetch origin "refs/pull/2149/head" && git reset --hard 66c61443
cat > Dockerfile <<'END-OF-DOCKERFILE'
FROM freebsd-ocaml-5.2
# freebsd-5.2_opam-2.1
USER 1000:1000
RUN sudo ln -f /usr/local/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/local/bin/opam
RUN opam init --reinit -ni
RUN uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version
RUN sudo chown opam /src
RUN cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e 3bcb45c36ed254e850b498bff678e3e5848b23e1 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard 3bcb45c36ed254e850b498bff678e3e5848b23e1 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u
COPY --chown=1000:1000 ppx_irmin.opam libirmin.opam irmin.opam irmin-tezos.opam irmin-test.opam irmin-server.opam irmin-pack.opam irmin-pack-tools.opam irmin-mirage.opam irmin-mirage-graphql.opam irmin-mirage-git.opam irmin-http.opam irmin-graphql.opam irmin-git.opam irmin-fs.opam irmin-containers.opam irmin-client.opam irmin-cli.opam irmin-chunk.opam irmin-bench.opam ./
RUN opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './' && \
    opam pin add -yn './'
ENV DEPS=" angstrom.0.16.0 arp.3.1.1 asn1-combinators.0.2.6 astring.0.8.5 awa.0.3.1 awa-mirage.0.3.1 base.v0.17.1 base-bigarray.base base-bytes.base base-domains.base base-nnp.base base-threads.base base-unix.base base64.3.5.1 bentov.1 bheap.2.0.0 bigarray-compat.1.1.0 bigstringaf.0.9.1 bisect_ppx.2.8.3 bos.0.2.1 brr.0.0.6 ca-certs.0.2.3 ca-certs-nss.3.101 camlp-streams.5.0.1 carton.0.7.2 carton-git.0.7.2 carton-lwt.0.7.2 cf.0.5.0 cf-lwt.0.5.0 checkseum.0.5.2 cmdliner.1.3.0 cohttp.5.3.1 cohttp-lwt.5.3.0 cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0 conduit.6.2.3 conduit-lwt.6.2.3 conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.3 conf-gmp.4 conf-gmp-powm-sec.3 conf-gnuplot.0.1 conf-libffi.2.0.0 conf-pkg-config.3 cppo.1.6.9 crunch.3.3.1 csexp.1.5.2 cstruct.6.2.0 cstruct-lwt.6.2.0 cstruct-unix.6.2.0 ctypes.0.22.0 ctypes-foreign.0.22.0 decompress.1.5.3 digestif.1.2.0 dispatch.0.5.0 dns.8.0.0 dns-client.8.0.0 dns-client-mirage.8.0.0 domain-local-await.1.0.1 domain-name.0.4.0 duff.0.5 dune.3.16.0 dune-configurator.3.16.0 duration.0.2.1 eio.1.1 eio_main.1.1 eio_posix.1.1 either.1.0.0 emile.1.1 encore.0.8 eqaf.0.9 ethernet.3.2.0 faraday.0.8.2 fmt.0.9.0 fpath.0.7.3 fsevents.0.3.0 fsevents-lwt.0.3.0 gen.1.1 git.3.16.1 git-mirage.3.16.1 git-paf.3.16.1 git-unix.3.16.1 gmap.0.3.0 graphql.0.14.0 graphql-cohttp.0.14.0 graphql-lwt.0.14.0 graphql_parser.0.14.0 h2.0.12.0 happy-eyeballs.1.1.0 happy-eyeballs-lwt.1.1.0 happy-eyeballs-mirage.1.1.0 hex.1.5.0 hkdf.1.0.4 hmap.0.8.1 host-arch-x86_64.1 host-system-other.1 hpack.0.12.0 httpaf.0.7.1 httpun-types.0.1.0 hxd.0.3.2 integers.0.7.0 iomux.0.3 ipaddr.5.6.0 ipaddr-cstruct.5.6.0 ipaddr-sexp.5.6.0 js_of_ocaml.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-lwt.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-ppx.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2 jsonm.1.0.2 ke.0.6 logs.0.7.0 lru.0.3.1 lwt.5.7.0 lwt-dllist.1.0.1 lwt_eio.0.5.1 lwt_log.1.1.2 macaddr.5.6.0 macaddr-cstruct.5.6.0 magic-mime.1.3.1 mdx.2.4.1 menhir.20231231 menhirCST.20231231 menhirLib.20231231 menhirSdk.20231231 metrics.0.4.1 metrics-unix.0.4.1 mimic.0.0.9 mimic-happy-eyeballs.0.0.9 mirage-clock.4.2.0 mirage-clock-unix.4.2.0 mirage-crypto.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.3 mirage-flow.4.0.2 mirage-kv.6.1.1 mirage-net.4.0.0 mirage-random.3.0.0 mirage-runtime.4.6.0 mirage-time.3.0.0 mirage-unix.5.0.1 mtime.2.0.0 notty.0.2.3 num.1.5 ocaml.5.2.0 ocaml-base-compiler.5.2.0 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.17.0 ocaml-config.3 ocaml-options-vanilla.1 ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0 ocaml-version.3.6.7 ocaml_intrinsics_kernel.v0.17.0 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ocamlgraph.2.1.0 ocplib-endian.1.2 optint.0.3.0 paf.0.6.0 parsexp.v0.17.0 pbkdf.1.2.0 pecu.0.7 ppx_blob.0.8.0 ppx_derivers.1.2.1 ppx_deriving.6.0.2 ppx_repr.0.7.0 ppx_sexp_conv.v0.17.0 ppxlib.0.32.1 ppxlib_jane.v0.17.0 printbox.0.11 printbox-text.0.11 psq.0.2.1 ptime.1.1.0 qcheck-alcotest.0.21.3 qcheck-core.0.21.3 randomconv.0.1.3 re.1.11.0 repr.0.7.0 result.1.5 rresult.0.7.0 rusage.1.0.0 sedlex.3.2 semaphore-compat.1.0.1 seq.base sexplib.v0.17.0 sexplib0.v0.17.0 stdlib-shims.0.3.0 stringext.1.6.0 tcpip.8.1.0 tezos-base58.1.0.0 thread-table.1.0.0 tls.0.17.5 tls-mirage.0.17.5 topkg.1.0.7 uri.4.4.0 uri-sexp.4.4.0 uucp.15.1.0 uuidm.0.9.8 uutf.1.0.3 vector.1.0.0 webmachine.0.7.0 websocket.2.16 websocket-lwt-unix.2.16 x509.0.16.5 yaml.3.2.0 yojson.2.2.2 zarith.1.13"
ENV CI="true"
RUN opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS
RUN opam install $DEPS
COPY --chown=1000:1000 . /src
RUN opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build

docker build .

2024-06-30 09:16.28: Using cache hint "mirage/irmin-freebsd-freebsd-ocaml-5.2-freebsd-5.2_opam-2.1-e7674d4070252e4ee30f1fdb458e302b"
2024-06-30 09:16.28: Using OBuilder spec:
((from freebsd-ocaml-5.2)
 (comment freebsd-5.2_opam-2.1)
 (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))
 (env OPAMCOLOR always)
 (workdir /src)
 (run (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/local/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/local/bin/opam"))
 (run (shell "opam init --reinit -ni"))
 (run (shell "uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version"))
 (workdir /src)
 (run (shell "sudo chown opam /src"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e 3bcb45c36ed254e850b498bff678e3e5848b23e1 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard 3bcb45c36ed254e850b498bff678e3e5848b23e1 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
 (copy (src ppx_irmin.opam libirmin.opam irmin.opam irmin-tezos.opam irmin-test.opam irmin-server.opam irmin-pack.opam irmin-pack-tools.opam irmin-mirage.opam irmin-mirage-graphql.opam irmin-mirage-git.opam irmin-http.opam irmin-graphql.opam irmin-git.opam irmin-fs.opam irmin-containers.opam irmin-client.opam irmin-cli.opam irmin-chunk.opam irmin-bench.opam)
       (dst ./))
 (run (network host)
      (shell  "opam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './'"))
 (env DEPS " angstrom.0.16.0 arp.3.1.1 asn1-combinators.0.2.6 astring.0.8.5 awa.0.3.1 awa-mirage.0.3.1 base.v0.17.1 base-bigarray.base base-bytes.base base-domains.base base-nnp.base base-threads.base base-unix.base base64.3.5.1 bentov.1 bheap.2.0.0 bigarray-compat.1.1.0 bigstringaf.0.9.1 bisect_ppx.2.8.3 bos.0.2.1 brr.0.0.6 ca-certs.0.2.3 ca-certs-nss.3.101 camlp-streams.5.0.1 carton.0.7.2 carton-git.0.7.2 carton-lwt.0.7.2 cf.0.5.0 cf-lwt.0.5.0 checkseum.0.5.2 cmdliner.1.3.0 cohttp.5.3.1 cohttp-lwt.5.3.0 cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0 conduit.6.2.3 conduit-lwt.6.2.3 conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.3 conf-gmp.4 conf-gmp-powm-sec.3 conf-gnuplot.0.1 conf-libffi.2.0.0 conf-pkg-config.3 cppo.1.6.9 crunch.3.3.1 csexp.1.5.2 cstruct.6.2.0 cstruct-lwt.6.2.0 cstruct-unix.6.2.0 ctypes.0.22.0 ctypes-foreign.0.22.0 decompress.1.5.3 digestif.1.2.0 dispatch.0.5.0 dns.8.0.0 dns-client.8.0.0 dns-client-mirage.8.0.0 domain-local-await.1.0.1 domain-name.0.4.0 duff.0.5 dune.3.16.0 dune-configurator.3.16.0 duration.0.2.1 eio.1.1 eio_main.1.1 eio_posix.1.1 either.1.0.0 emile.1.1 encore.0.8 eqaf.0.9 ethernet.3.2.0 faraday.0.8.2 fmt.0.9.0 fpath.0.7.3 fsevents.0.3.0 fsevents-lwt.0.3.0 gen.1.1 git.3.16.1 git-mirage.3.16.1 git-paf.3.16.1 git-unix.3.16.1 gmap.0.3.0 graphql.0.14.0 graphql-cohttp.0.14.0 graphql-lwt.0.14.0 graphql_parser.0.14.0 h2.0.12.0 happy-eyeballs.1.1.0 happy-eyeballs-lwt.1.1.0 happy-eyeballs-mirage.1.1.0 hex.1.5.0 hkdf.1.0.4 hmap.0.8.1 host-arch-x86_64.1 host-system-other.1 hpack.0.12.0 httpaf.0.7.1 httpun-types.0.1.0 hxd.0.3.2 integers.0.7.0 iomux.0.3 ipaddr.5.6.0 ipaddr-cstruct.5.6.0 ipaddr-sexp.5.6.0 js_of_ocaml.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-lwt.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-ppx.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2 jsonm.1.0.2 ke.0.6 logs.0.7.0 lru.0.3.1 lwt.5.7.0 lwt-dllist.1.0.1 lwt_eio.0.5.1 lwt_log.1.1.2 macaddr.5.6.0 macaddr-cstruct.5.6.0 magic-mime.1.3.1 mdx.2.4.1 menhir.20231231 menhirCST.20231231 menhirLib.20231231 menhirSdk.20231231 metrics.0.4.1 metrics-unix.0.4.1 mimic.0.0.9 mimic-happy-eyeballs.0.0.9 mirage-clock.4.2.0 mirage-clock-unix.4.2.0 mirage-crypto.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.3 mirage-flow.4.0.2 mirage-kv.6.1.1 mirage-net.4.0.0 mirage-random.3.0.0 mirage-runtime.4.6.0 mirage-time.3.0.0 mirage-unix.5.0.1 mtime.2.0.0 notty.0.2.3 num.1.5 ocaml.5.2.0 ocaml-base-compiler.5.2.0 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.17.0 ocaml-config.3 ocaml-options-vanilla.1 ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0 ocaml-version.3.6.7 ocaml_intrinsics_kernel.v0.17.0 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ocamlgraph.2.1.0 ocplib-endian.1.2 optint.0.3.0 paf.0.6.0 parsexp.v0.17.0 pbkdf.1.2.0 pecu.0.7 ppx_blob.0.8.0 ppx_derivers.1.2.1 ppx_deriving.6.0.2 ppx_repr.0.7.0 ppx_sexp_conv.v0.17.0 ppxlib.0.32.1 ppxlib_jane.v0.17.0 printbox.0.11 printbox-text.0.11 psq.0.2.1 ptime.1.1.0 qcheck-alcotest.0.21.3 qcheck-core.0.21.3 randomconv.0.1.3 re.1.11.0 repr.0.7.0 result.1.5 rresult.0.7.0 rusage.1.0.0 sedlex.3.2 semaphore-compat.1.0.1 seq.base sexplib.v0.17.0 sexplib0.v0.17.0 stdlib-shims.0.3.0 stringext.1.6.0 tcpip.8.1.0 tezos-base58.1.0.0 thread-table.1.0.0 tls.0.17.5 tls-mirage.0.17.5 topkg.1.0.7 uri.4.4.0 uri-sexp.4.4.0 uucp.15.1.0 uuidm.0.9.8 uutf.1.0.3 vector.1.0.0 webmachine.0.7.0 websocket.2.16 websocket-lwt-unix.2.16 x509.0.16.5 yaml.3.2.0 yojson.2.2.2 zarith.1.13")
 (env CI true)
 (env OCAMLCI true)
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam install $DEPS"))
 (copy (src .) (dst /src))
 (run (shell "opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build"))

2024-06-30 09:16.28: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-06-30 09:16.28: Waiting for worker…
2024-06-30 09:28.19: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on summer
All commits already cached
HEAD is now at 66c61443fd Update opam for OCaml 5.1.0

(from freebsd-ocaml-5.2)
2024-06-30 09:21.06 ---> using "3515bf58445883216685df527c06fc8b9b7799700694ffa335d1401da4433261" from cache

/: (comment freebsd-5.2_opam-2.1)

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))


/: (env OPAMCOLOR always)

/: (workdir /src)

/src: (run (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/local/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/local/bin/opam"))
2024-06-30 09:21.06 ---> using "9d6862887f900f59625b2215f75e812893e141cab42bcb588c0a696a0d5f58ba" from cache

/src: (run (shell "opam init --reinit -ni"))
No configuration file found, using built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.

<><> Updating repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] no changes from git+file:///home/opam/opam-repository
2024-06-30 09:21.07 ---> using "1fd90ea945c776de537d3c99dc7b4903609e7adbb45bd33c5e3538b8de92ea66" from cache

/src: (run (shell "uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version"))
FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6
The OCaml toplevel, version 5.2.0
2024-06-30 09:21.07 ---> using "fb7d445678cc2654300145baf3967822bea6d22d7d1784a343fa4d849ce67e57" from cache

/src: (workdir /src)

/src: (run (shell "sudo chown opam /src"))
2024-06-30 09:21.07 ---> using "c8753f135ab4a2a6875ba6c72e3a7bf45a73413350972305e894f2309c51e448" from cache

/src: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
           (network host)
           (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e 3bcb45c36ed254e850b498bff678e3e5848b23e1 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard 3bcb45c36ed254e850b498bff678e3e5848b23e1 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
 * branch                  master     -> FETCH_HEAD
   59c0c54934..3bcb45c36e  master     -> origin/master
3bcb45c36e Merge pull request #26142 from public-release/opam-publish-base.v0.17.1

<><> Updating package repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] synchronised from git+file:///home/opam/opam-repository

Everything as up-to-date as possible (run with --verbose to show unavailable upgrades).

The following packages are not being upgraded because the new versions conflict with other installed packages:
  - ocaml.5.3.0
However, you may "opam upgrade" these packages explicitly, which will ask permission to downgrade or uninstall the conflicting packages.
Nothing to do.
2024-06-30 09:21.08 ---> using "be84cd060ae7771e28b50053fffa0492fc7f7b4453b1b318f7fd4df3d3525cb0" from cache

/src: (copy (src ppx_irmin.opam libirmin.opam irmin.opam irmin-tezos.opam irmin-test.opam irmin-server.opam irmin-pack.opam irmin-pack-tools.opam irmin-mirage.opam irmin-mirage-graphql.opam irmin-mirage-git.opam irmin-http.opam irmin-graphql.opam irmin-git.opam irmin-fs.opam irmin-containers.opam irmin-client.opam irmin-cli.opam irmin-chunk.opam irmin-bench.opam)
            (dst ./))
2024-06-30 09:21.08 ---> using "ee3f3ae2bc4eaaefd0ba6ef7aa85a0e93af4e3440ee3b5223dc1ebb0faf74dda" from cache

/src: (run (network host)
           (shell  "opam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './' && \
                  \nopam pin add -yn './'"))
[] synchronised (file:///src)
ppx_irmin is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
libirmin is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
The following additional pinnings are required by
  - at git+
Pin and install them? [Y/n] y
[] synchronised (no changes)
alcotest is now pinned to git+ (version dev)
irmin is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-tezos is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-test is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
The following additional pinnings are required by
  - at git+
Pin and install them? [Y/n] y
[] synchronised (no changes)
irmin-watcher is now pinned to git+ (version dev)
irmin-server is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
The following additional pinnings are required by
  - at git+
  - at git+
  - at git+
Pin and install them? [Y/n] y
[] synchronised (no changes)
terminal is now pinned to git+ (version dev)
[] synchronised (no changes)
progress is now pinned to git+ (version dev)
[] synchronised (no changes)
index is now pinned to git+ (version dev)
irmin-pack is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-pack-tools is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-mirage is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-mirage-graphql is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-mirage-git is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-http is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-graphql is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-git is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-fs is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-containers is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-client is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-cli is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-chunk is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
[] synchronised (file:///src)
irmin-bench is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
2024-06-30 09:21.09 ---> using "9b89d9701f6f4068a35d955d5bfb773e25a72eaf7bb46169426a7439d880f627" from cache

/src: (env DEPS " angstrom.0.16.0 arp.3.1.1 asn1-combinators.0.2.6 astring.0.8.5 awa.0.3.1 awa-mirage.0.3.1 base.v0.17.1 base-bigarray.base base-bytes.base base-domains.base base-nnp.base base-threads.base base-unix.base base64.3.5.1 bentov.1 bheap.2.0.0 bigarray-compat.1.1.0 bigstringaf.0.9.1 bisect_ppx.2.8.3 bos.0.2.1 brr.0.0.6 ca-certs.0.2.3 ca-certs-nss.3.101 camlp-streams.5.0.1 carton.0.7.2 carton-git.0.7.2 carton-lwt.0.7.2 cf.0.5.0 cf-lwt.0.5.0 checkseum.0.5.2 cmdliner.1.3.0 cohttp.5.3.1 cohttp-lwt.5.3.0 cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0 conduit.6.2.3 conduit-lwt.6.2.3 conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.3 conf-gmp.4 conf-gmp-powm-sec.3 conf-gnuplot.0.1 conf-libffi.2.0.0 conf-pkg-config.3 cppo.1.6.9 crunch.3.3.1 csexp.1.5.2 cstruct.6.2.0 cstruct-lwt.6.2.0 cstruct-unix.6.2.0 ctypes.0.22.0 ctypes-foreign.0.22.0 decompress.1.5.3 digestif.1.2.0 dispatch.0.5.0 dns.8.0.0 dns-client.8.0.0 dns-client-mirage.8.0.0 domain-local-await.1.0.1 domain-name.0.4.0 duff.0.5 dune.3.16.0 dune-configurator.3.16.0 duration.0.2.1 eio.1.1 eio_main.1.1 eio_posix.1.1 either.1.0.0 emile.1.1 encore.0.8 eqaf.0.9 ethernet.3.2.0 faraday.0.8.2 fmt.0.9.0 fpath.0.7.3 fsevents.0.3.0 fsevents-lwt.0.3.0 gen.1.1 git.3.16.1 git-mirage.3.16.1 git-paf.3.16.1 git-unix.3.16.1 gmap.0.3.0 graphql.0.14.0 graphql-cohttp.0.14.0 graphql-lwt.0.14.0 graphql_parser.0.14.0 h2.0.12.0 happy-eyeballs.1.1.0 happy-eyeballs-lwt.1.1.0 happy-eyeballs-mirage.1.1.0 hex.1.5.0 hkdf.1.0.4 hmap.0.8.1 host-arch-x86_64.1 host-system-other.1 hpack.0.12.0 httpaf.0.7.1 httpun-types.0.1.0 hxd.0.3.2 integers.0.7.0 iomux.0.3 ipaddr.5.6.0 ipaddr-cstruct.5.6.0 ipaddr-sexp.5.6.0 js_of_ocaml.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-lwt.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-ppx.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2 jsonm.1.0.2 ke.0.6 logs.0.7.0 lru.0.3.1 lwt.5.7.0 lwt-dllist.1.0.1 lwt_eio.0.5.1 lwt_log.1.1.2 macaddr.5.6.0 macaddr-cstruct.5.6.0 magic-mime.1.3.1 mdx.2.4.1 menhir.20231231 menhirCST.20231231 menhirLib.20231231 menhirSdk.20231231 metrics.0.4.1 metrics-unix.0.4.1 mimic.0.0.9 mimic-happy-eyeballs.0.0.9 mirage-clock.4.2.0 mirage-clock-unix.4.2.0 mirage-crypto.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.3 mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.3 mirage-flow.4.0.2 mirage-kv.6.1.1 mirage-net.4.0.0 mirage-random.3.0.0 mirage-runtime.4.6.0 mirage-time.3.0.0 mirage-unix.5.0.1 mtime.2.0.0 notty.0.2.3 num.1.5 ocaml.5.2.0 ocaml-base-compiler.5.2.0 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.17.0 ocaml-config.3 ocaml-options-vanilla.1 ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0 ocaml-version.3.6.7 ocaml_intrinsics_kernel.v0.17.0 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ocamlgraph.2.1.0 ocplib-endian.1.2 optint.0.3.0 paf.0.6.0 parsexp.v0.17.0 pbkdf.1.2.0 pecu.0.7 ppx_blob.0.8.0 ppx_derivers.1.2.1 ppx_deriving.6.0.2 ppx_repr.0.7.0 ppx_sexp_conv.v0.17.0 ppxlib.0.32.1 ppxlib_jane.v0.17.0 printbox.0.11 printbox-text.0.11 psq.0.2.1 ptime.1.1.0 qcheck-alcotest.0.21.3 qcheck-core.0.21.3 randomconv.0.1.3 re.1.11.0 repr.0.7.0 result.1.5 rresult.0.7.0 rusage.1.0.0 sedlex.3.2 semaphore-compat.1.0.1 seq.base sexplib.v0.17.0 sexplib0.v0.17.0 stdlib-shims.0.3.0 stringext.1.6.0 tcpip.8.1.0 tezos-base58.1.0.0 thread-table.1.0.0 tls.0.17.5 tls-mirage.0.17.5 topkg.1.0.7 uri.4.4.0 uri-sexp.4.4.0 uucp.15.1.0 uuidm.0.9.8 uutf.1.0.3 vector.1.0.0 webmachine.0.7.0 websocket.2.16 websocket-lwt-unix.2.16 x509.0.16.5 yaml.3.2.0 yojson.2.2.2 zarith.1.13")

/src: (env CI true)

/src: (env OCAMLCI true)

/src: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
           (network host)
           (shell "opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS"))
[WARNING] Unknown update command for bsd, skipping system update

<><> Synchronising pinned packages ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)

[NOTE] Package ocaml-options-vanilla is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-config is already installed (current version is 3).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-base-compiler is already installed (current version is 5.2.0).
[NOTE] Package ocaml is already installed (current version is 5.2.0).
[NOTE] Package host-system-other is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package host-arch-x86_64 is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package base-unix is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-threads is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-nnp is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-domains is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-bigarray is already installed (current version is base).

The following system packages will first need to be installed:
    ca_root_nss gmp gnuplot

<><> Handling external dependencies <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
+ /usr/local/bin/sudo "pkg" "install" "-y" "ca_root_nss" "gmp" "gnuplot"
- Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
- [summer] Fetching data.pkg: .
- ....
- ..... done
- Processing entries: 
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- . done
- FreeBSD repository update completed. 34081 packages processed.
- All repositories are up to date.
- The following 130 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
- New packages to be INSTALLED:
- 	adwaita-icon-theme: 42.0
- 	at-spi2-core: 2.50.2
- 	avahi-app: 0.8_2
- 	brotli: 1.1.0,1
- 	ca_root_nss: 3.93_2
- 	cairo: 1.17.4_2,3
- 	colord: 1.4.7
- 	cups: 2.4.8
- 	dbus: 1.14.10_5,1
- 	dbus-glib: 0.112_1
- 	dejavu: 2.37_3
- 	duktape-lib: 2.7.0
- 	enchant2: 2.2.15_5
- 	encodings: 1.1.0,1
- 	font-bh-ttf: 1.0.3_5
- 	font-misc-ethiopic: 1.0.4
- 	font-misc-meltho: 1.0.3_5
- 	fontconfig: 2.15.0_2,1
- 	freetype2: 2.13.2
- 	fribidi: 1.0.13_1
- 	gdbm: 1.23
- 	gdk-pixbuf2: 2.42.10_2
- 	geoclue: 2.7.1_1
- 	giflib: 5.2.1_1
- 	glib: 2.80.3,2
- 	glib-networking: 2.78.0
- 	gmp: 6.3.0
- 	gnome_subr: 1.0
- 	gnuplot: 5.4.10
- 	gnutls: 3.8.5_1
- 	gobject-introspection: 1.78.1_2,1
- 	graphene: 1.10.8
- 	graphite2: 1.3.14
- 	gsettings-desktop-schemas: 42.0
- 	gstreamer1: 1.22.10
- 	gstreamer1-plugins: 1.22.10_1
- 	gstreamer1-plugins-bad: 1.22.10_2
- 	gstreamer1-plugins-gl: 1.22.10
- 	gtk-update-icon-cache: 3.24.31_1
- 	gtk3: 3.24.42
- 	harfbuzz: 8.4.0
- 	harfbuzz-icu: 8.4.0
- 	hicolor-icon-theme: 0.17
- 	hunspell: 1.7.2_1
- 	hwdata: 0.382,1
- 	hyphen: 2.8.8
- 	icu: 74.2_1,1
- 	iso-codes: 4.15.0
- 	jbigkit: 2.1_2
- 	jpeg-turbo: 3.0.2
- 	json-glib: 1.8.0
- 	lcms2: 2.16_1
- 	libGLU: 9.0.2_2
- 	libICE: 1.1.0_2,1
- 	libSM: 1.2.3_1,1
- 	libX11: 1.8.7_1,1
- 	libXau: 1.0.9_1
- 	libXcomposite: 0.4.6_1,1
- 	libXcursor: 1.2.2
- 	libXdamage: 1.1.6
- 	libXdmcp: 1.1.5
- 	libXext: 1.3.6,1
- 	libXfixes: 6.0.0_1
- 	libXft: 2.3.7_1
- 	libXi: 1.8_1,1
- 	libXinerama: 1.1.4_3,1
- 	libXrandr: 1.5.2_1
- 	libXrender: 0.9.10_2
- 	libXt: 1.3.0,1
- 	libXtst: 1.2.3_3
- 	libXxf86vm: 1.1.4_4
- 	libdaemon: 0.14_1
- 	libdatrie: 0.2.13_2
- 	libdeflate: 1.20
- 	libedit: 3.1.20230828_1,1
- 	libepoll-shim: 0.0.20230411
- 	libepoxy: 1.5.9
- 	libevent: 2.1.12
- 	libfontenc: 1.1.8
- 	libgcrypt: 1.10.3_1
- 	libgd: 2.3.3_11,1
- 	libglvnd: 1.7.0
- 	libgpg-error: 1.48
- 	libgudev: 237
- 	libgusb: 0.3.10_1
- 	libmspack: 0.11alpha
- 	libnice: 0.1.21_2
- 	libnotify: 0.8.2_2
- 	libpaper: 1.1.28_1
- 	libproxy: 0.4.18
- 	librsvg2-rust: 2.58.1
- 	libsecret: 0.20.5_3
- 	libsoup: 2.74.3
- 	libsoup3: 3.2.2
- 	libtasn1: 4.19.0_1
- 	libthai: 0.1.29_1
- 	libudev-devd: 0.5.2
- 	libunwind: 20240221
- 	libwpe: 1.12.0
- 	libxcb: 1.16.1
- 	libxkbcommon: 1.6.0_2
- 	libxml2: 2.11.7
- 	libxslt: 1.1.37_1
- 	lua53: 5.3.6_1
- 	mkfontscale: 1.2.3
- 	nettle: 3.9.1
- 	openjpeg: 2.5.2
- 	orc: 0.4.34_1
- 	p11-kit: 0.25.3_1
- 	pango: 1.50.14
- 	pixman: 0.42.2
- 	png: 1.6.43
- 	polkit: 124_3
- 	py39-cairo: 1.21.0,1
- 	py39-gobject3: 3.42.2
- 	py39-packaging: 23.2
- 	pygobject3-common: 3.42.2
- 	shared-mime-info: 2.2_2
- 	sqlite3: 3.45.1,1
- 	tex-kpathsea: 6.3.5_1
- 	tiff: 4.4.0_3
- 	wayland: 1.22.0
- 	webkit2-gtk3: 2.34.6_10
- 	webp: 1.3.2_1
- 	woff2: 1.0.2_5
- 	wpebackend-fdo: 1.12.0
- 	wx30-gtk3:
- 	xkeyboard-config: 2.41_4
- 	xorg-fonts-truetype: 7.7_1
- 	xorgproto: 2023.2
- Number of packages to be installed: 130
- The process will require 598 MiB more space.
- 122 MiB to be downloaded.
- [summer] [1/130] Fetching duktape-lib-2.7.0.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [2/130] Fetching png-1.6.43.pkg: .........
- . done
- [summer] [3/130] Fetching glib-networking-2.78.0.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [4/130] Fetching hyphen-2.8.8.pkg: ....... done
- [summer] [5/130] Fetching libxcb-1.16.1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [6/130] Fetching libdatrie-0.2.13_2.pkg: .... done
- [summer] [7/130] Fetching freetype2-2.13.2.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [8/130] Fetching jpeg-turbo-3.0.2.pkg: ......... done
- [summer] [9/130] Fetching graphene-1.10.8.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [10/130] Fetching libproxy-0.4.18.pkg: ....... done
- [summer] [11/130] Fetching librsvg2-rust-2.58.1.pkg: ...
- ......
- . done
- [summer] [12/130] Fetching libXt-1.3.0,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [13/130] Fetching libglvnd-1.7.0.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [14/130] Fetching gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1.22.10_2.pkg: 
- .......... done
- [summer] [15/130] Fetching libxslt-1.1.37_1.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [16/130] Fetching cups-2.4.8.pkg: 
- .......... done
- [summer] [17/130] Fetching gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2,1.pkg: .....
- ..... done
- [summer] [18/130] Fetching libXrandr-1.5.2_1.pkg: ... done
- [summer] [19/130] Fetching nettle-3.9.1.pkg: .......
- ... done
- [summer] [20/130] Fetching lcms2-2.16_1.pkg: .......
- ... done
- [summer] [21/130] Fetching libnice-0.1.21_2.pkg: ....... done
- [summer] [22/130] Fetching adwaita-icon-theme-42.0.pkg: ......
- .... done
- [summer] [23/130] Fetching woff2-1.0.2_5.pkg: ....... done
- [summer] [24/130] Fetching libthai-0.1.29_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [25/130] Fetching wx30-gtk3- 
- ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [26/130] Fetching polkit-124_3.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [27/130] Fetching libsoup3-3.2.2.pkg: ......... done
- [summer] [28/130] Fetching mkfontscale-1.2.3.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [29/130] Fetching gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.31_1.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [30/130] Fetching libdeflate-1.20.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [31/130] Fetching fribidi-1.0.13_1.pkg: ...... done
- [summer] [32/130] Fetching libXxf86vm-1.1.4_4.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [33/130] Fetching libmspack-0.11alpha.pkg: ...... done
- [summer] [34/130] Fetching openjpeg-2.5.2.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [35/130] Fetching libXdamage-1.1.6.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [36/130] Fetching libtasn1-4.19.0_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [37/130] Fetching py39-cairo-1.21.0,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [38/130] Fetching libXfixes-6.0.0_1.pkg: . done
- [summer] [39/130] Fetching webkit2-gtk3-2.34.6_10.pkg: 
- .
- ..
- ...
- .... done
- [summer] [40/130] Fetching libXinerama-1.1.4_3,1.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [41/130] Fetching gnome_subr-1.0.pkg: . done
- [summer] [42/130] Fetching libxml2-2.11.7.pkg: 
- .......... done
- [summer] [43/130] Fetching wayland-1.22.0.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [44/130] Fetching orc-0.4.34_1.pkg: ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [45/130] Fetching lua53-5.3.6_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [46/130] Fetching libgd-2.3.3_11,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [47/130] Fetching gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.10_2.pkg: ........
- .. done
- [summer] [48/130] Fetching icu-74.2_1,1.pkg: .
- .
- ..
- ..
- ..
- .. done
- [summer] [49/130] Fetching libgusb-0.3.10_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [50/130] Fetching gnutls-3.8.5_1.pkg: ......
- .... done
- [summer] [51/130] Fetching hicolor-icon-theme-0.17.pkg: ... done
- [summer] [52/130] Fetching libwpe-1.12.0.pkg: ..... done
- [summer] [53/130] Fetching harfbuzz-icu-8.4.0.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [54/130] Fetching libepoll-shim-0.0.20230411.pkg: ... done
- [summer] [55/130] Fetching libpaper-1.1.28_1.pkg: ... done
- [summer] [56/130] Fetching colord-1.4.7.pkg: ..
- ........ done
- [summer] [57/130] Fetching pygobject3-common-3.42.2.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [58/130] Fetching font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.4.pkg: ......... done
- [summer] [59/130] Fetching libX11-1.8.7_1,1.pkg: .....
- ..... done
- [summer] [60/130] Fetching giflib-5.2.1_1.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [61/130] Fetching libXrender-0.9.10_2.pkg: ... done
- [summer] [62/130] Fetching libsoup-2.74.3.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [63/130] Fetching xorgproto-2023.2.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [64/130] Fetching tex-kpathsea-6.3.5_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [65/130] Fetching libXtst-1.2.3_3.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [66/130] Fetching libXi-1.8_1,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [67/130] Fetching libXft-2.3.7_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [68/130] Fetching gtk3-3.24.42.pkg: 
- ..
- ...
- .
- ..
- .. done
- [summer] [69/130] Fetching wpebackend-fdo-1.12.0.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [70/130] Fetching webp-1.3.2_1.pkg: ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [71/130] Fetching libepoxy-1.5.9.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [72/130] Fetching hwdata-0.382,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [73/130] Fetching cairo-1.17.4_2,3.pkg: .
- ......... done
- [summer] [74/130] Fetching graphite2-1.3.14.pkg: ...... done
- [summer] [75/130] Fetching shared-mime-info-2.2_2.pkg: .......
- ... done
- [summer] [76/130] Fetching libgudev-237.pkg: .... done
- [summer] [77/130] Fetching hunspell-1.7.2_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [78/130] Fetching encodings-1.1.0,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [79/130] Fetching harfbuzz-8.4.0.pkg: ....
- ...... done
- [summer] [80/130] Fetching ca_root_nss-3.93_2.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [81/130] Fetching libevent-2.1.12.pkg: ......... done
- [summer] [82/130] Fetching gdbm-1.23.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [83/130] Fetching gstreamer1-plugins-gl-1.22.10.pkg: ........
- .. done
- [summer] [84/130] Fetching avahi-app-0.8_2.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [85/130] Fetching enchant2-2.2.15_5.pkg: ....... done
- [summer] [86/130] Fetching gstreamer1-plugins-1.22.10_1.pkg: ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [87/130] Fetching dbus-1.14.10_5,1.pkg: ......... done
- [summer] [88/130] Fetching libedit-3.1.20230828_1,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [89/130] Fetching libfontenc-1.1.8.pkg: ..... done
- [summer] [90/130] Fetching libXcursor-1.2.2.pkg: .... done
- [summer] [91/130] Fetching libgcrypt-1.10.3_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [92/130] Fetching libsecret-0.20.5_3.pkg: .....
- ..... done
- [summer] [93/130] Fetching json-glib-1.8.0.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [94/130] Fetching libudev-devd-0.5.2.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [95/130] Fetching libunwind-20240221.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [96/130] Fetching font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_5.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [97/130] Fetching pango-1.50.14.pkg: ....
- ...... done
- [summer] [98/130] Fetching brotli-1.1.0,1.pkg: ......... done
- [summer] [99/130] Fetching py39-packaging-23.2.pkg: ........ done
- [summer] [100/130] Fetching libgpg-error-1.48.pkg: .....
- ..... done
- [summer] [101/130] Fetching gmp-6.3.0.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [102/130] Fetching gstreamer1-1.22.10.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [103/130] Fetching libXext-1.3.6,1.pkg: .......
- ... done
- [summer] [104/130] Fetching p11-kit-0.25.3_1.pkg: .....
- ..... done
- [summer] [105/130] Fetching dbus-glib-0.112_1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [106/130] Fetching libXau-1.0.9_1.pkg: ... done
- [summer] [107/130] Fetching libICE-1.1.0_2,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [108/130] Fetching libXcomposite-0.4.6_1,1.pkg: .. done
- [summer] [109/130] Fetching py39-gobject3-3.42.2.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [110/130] Fetching fontconfig-2.15.0_2,1.pkg: ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [111/130] Fetching pixman-0.42.2.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [112/130] Fetching at-spi2-core-2.50.2.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [113/130] Fetching gsettings-desktop-schemas-42.0.pkg: ......
- .... done
- [summer] [114/130] Fetching sqlite3-3.45.1,1.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [115/130] Fetching libSM-1.2.3_1,1.pkg: ..... done
- [summer] [116/130] Fetching glib-2.80.3,2.pkg: 
- .......
- ... done
- [summer] [117/130] Fetching geoclue-2.7.1_1.pkg: ....... done
- [summer] [118/130] Fetching xkeyboard-config-2.41_4.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [119/130] Fetching libxkbcommon-1.6.0_2.pkg: ..
- ..... done
- [summer] [120/130] Fetching jbigkit-2.1_2.pkg: ......... done
- [summer] [121/130] Fetching font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_5.pkg: .......... done
- [summer] [122/130] Fetching libdaemon-0.14_1.pkg: .... done
- [summer] [123/130] Fetching iso-codes-4.15.0.pkg: .
- ......... done
- [summer] [124/130] Fetching libXdmcp-1.1.5.pkg: ... done
- [summer] [125/130] Fetching tiff-4.4.0_3.pkg: 
- .......... done
- [summer] [126/130] Fetching xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1.pkg: . done
- [summer] [127/130] Fetching dejavu-2.37_3.pkg: ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [128/130] Fetching gnuplot-5.4.10.pkg: ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [129/130] Fetching libnotify-0.8.2_2.pkg: ..... done
- [summer] [130/130] Fetching libGLU-9.0.2_2.pkg: ...... done
- Checking integrity...
-  done (0 conflicting)
- [summer] [1/130] Installing xorgproto-2023.2...
- [summer] [1/130] Extracting xorgproto-2023.2: .......... done
- [summer] [2/130] Installing libXau-1.0.9_1...
- [summer] [2/130] Extracting libXau-1.0.9_1: .......... done
- [summer] [3/130] Installing libXdmcp-1.1.5...
- [summer] [3/130] Extracting libXdmcp-1.1.5: ......... done
- [summer] [4/130] Installing libxcb-1.16.1...
- [summer] [4/130] Extracting libxcb-1.16.1: .......... done
- [summer] [5/130] Installing png-1.6.43...
- [summer] [5/130] Extracting png-1.6.43: .......... done
- [summer] [6/130] Installing libX11-1.8.7_1,1...
- [summer] [6/130] Extracting libX11-1.8.7_1,1: .......... done
- [summer] [7/130] Installing brotli-1.1.0,1...
- [summer] [7/130] Extracting brotli-1.1.0,1: .......... done
- [summer] [8/130] Installing freetype2-2.13.2...
- [summer] [8/130] Extracting freetype2-2.13.2: .......... done
- [summer] [9/130] Installing libfontenc-1.1.8...
- [summer] [9/130] Extracting libfontenc-1.1.8: ......... done
- [summer] [10/130] Installing py39-packaging-23.2...
- [summer] [10/130] Extracting py39-packaging-23.2: .......... done
- [summer] [11/130] Installing libXext-1.3.6,1...
- [summer] [11/130] Extracting libXext-1.3.6,1: .......... done
- [summer] [12/130] Installing libICE-1.1.0_2,1...
- [summer] [12/130] Extracting libICE-1.1.0_2,1: .......... done
- [summer] [13/130] Installing jpeg-turbo-3.0.2...
- [summer] [13/130] Extracting jpeg-turbo-3.0.2: .......... done
- [summer] [14/130] Installing libglvnd-1.7.0...
- [summer] [14/130] Extracting libglvnd-1.7.0: .......... done
- [summer] [15/130] Installing mkfontscale-1.2.3...
- [summer] [15/130] Extracting mkfontscale-1.2.3: ....... done
- [summer] [16/130] Installing libdeflate-1.20...
- [summer] [16/130] Extracting libdeflate-1.20: .......... done
- [summer] [17/130] Installing libtasn1-4.19.0_1...
- [summer] [17/130] Extracting libtasn1-4.19.0_1: .......... done
- [summer] [18/130] Installing libXfixes-6.0.0_1...
- [summer] [18/130] Extracting libXfixes-6.0.0_1: .......... done
- [summer] [19/130] Installing libxml2-2.11.7...
- [summer] [19/130] Extracting libxml2-2.11.7: .......... done
- [summer] [20/130] Installing libXrender-0.9.10_2...
- [summer] [20/130] Extracting libXrender-0.9.10_2: .......... done
- [summer] [21/130] Installing gmp-6.3.0...
- [summer] [21/130] Extracting gmp-6.3.0: .......... done
- [summer] [22/130] Installing fontconfig-2.15.0_2,1...
- [summer] [22/130] Extracting fontconfig-2.15.0_2,1: .......... done
- [summer] [23/130] Installing pixman-0.42.2...
- [summer] [23/130] Extracting pixman-0.42.2: .......... done
- [summer] [24/130] Installing libSM-1.2.3_1,1...
- [summer] [24/130] Extracting libSM-1.2.3_1,1: .......... done
- [summer] [25/130] Installing glib-2.80.3,2...
- [summer] [25/130] Extracting glib-2.80.3,2: ...
- ....... done
- [summer] [26/130] Installing jbigkit-2.1_2...
- [summer] [26/130] Extracting jbigkit-2.1_2: .......... done
- [summer] [27/130] Installing libdatrie-0.2.13_2...
- [summer] [27/130] Extracting libdatrie-0.2.13_2: .......... done
- [summer] [28/130] Installing nettle-3.9.1...
- [summer] [28/130] Extracting nettle-3.9.1: .......... done
- [summer] [29/130] Installing libepoll-shim-0.0.20230411...
- [summer] [29/130] Extracting libepoll-shim-0.0.20230411: .......... done
- [summer] [30/130] Installing font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.4...
- [summer] [30/130] Extracting font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.4: ...... done
- [summer] [31/130] Installing libXi-1.8_1,1...
- [summer] [31/130] Extracting libXi-1.8_1,1: .......... done
- [summer] [32/130] Installing cairo-1.17.4_2,3...
- [summer] [32/130] Extracting cairo-1.17.4_2,3: .......... done
- [summer] [33/130] Installing graphite2-1.3.14...
- [summer] [33/130] Extracting graphite2-1.3.14: .......... done
- [summer] [34/130] Installing shared-mime-info-2.2_2...
- [summer] [34/130] Extracting shared-mime-info-2.2_2: ......... done
- [summer] [35/130] Installing encodings-1.1.0,1...
- [summer] [35/130] Extracting encodings-1.1.0,1: .......... done
- [summer] [36/130] Installing dbus-1.14.10_5,1...
- ===> Creating groups.
- Creating group 'messagebus' with gid '556'.
- ===> Creating users
- Creating user 'messagebus' with uid '556'.
- [summer] [36/130] Extracting dbus-1.14.10_5,1: ......... done
- [summer] [37/130] Installing font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_5...
- [summer] [37/130] Extracting font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_5: .......... done
- [summer] [38/130] Installing p11-kit-0.25.3_1...
- [summer] [38/130] Extracting p11-kit-0.25.3_1: .......... done
- [summer] [39/130] Installing font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_5...
- [summer] [39/130] Extracting font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_5: .......... done
- [summer] [40/130] Installing tiff-4.4.0_3...
- [summer] [40/130] Extracting tiff-4.4.0_3: .......... done
- [summer] [41/130] Installing dejavu-2.37_3...
- [summer] [41/130] Extracting dejavu-2.37_3: .......... done
- [summer] [42/130] Installing duktape-lib-2.7.0...
- [summer] [42/130] Extracting duktape-lib-2.7.0: ......... done
- [summer] [43/130] Installing libproxy-0.4.18...
- [summer] [43/130] Extracting libproxy-0.4.18: .......... done
- [summer] [44/130] Installing gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2,1...
- [summer] [44/130] Extracting gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2,1: .......... done
- [summer] [45/130] Installing libthai-0.1.29_1...
- [summer] [45/130] Extracting libthai-0.1.29_1: .......... done
- [summer] [46/130] Installing fribidi-1.0.13_1...
- [summer] [46/130] Extracting fribidi-1.0.13_1: .......... done
- [summer] [47/130] Installing py39-cairo-1.21.0,1...
- [summer] [47/130] Extracting py39-cairo-1.21.0,1: .......... done
- [summer] [48/130] Installing gnome_subr-1.0...
- [summer] [48/130] Extracting gnome_subr-1.0: .... done
- [summer] [49/130] Installing wayland-1.22.0...
- [summer] [49/130] Extracting wayland-1.22.0: .......... done
- [summer] [50/130] Installing gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.10_2...
- [summer] [50/130] Extracting gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.10_2: .......... done
- [summer] [51/130] Installing gnutls-3.8.5_1...
- [summer] [51/130] Extracting gnutls-3.8.5_1: .......... done
- [summer] [52/130] Installing pygobject3-common-3.42.2...
- [summer] [52/130] Extracting pygobject3-common-3.42.2: ..... done
- [summer] [53/130] Installing libXtst-1.2.3_3...
- [summer] [53/130] Extracting libXtst-1.2.3_3: .......... done
- [summer] [54/130] Installing libXft-2.3.7_1...
- [summer] [54/130] Extracting libXft-2.3.7_1: .......... done
- [summer] [55/130] Installing harfbuzz-8.4.0...
- [summer] [55/130] Extracting harfbuzz-8.4.0: .......... done
- [summer] [56/130] Installing libevent-2.1.12...
- [summer] [56/130] Extracting libevent-2.1.12: .......... done
- [summer] [57/130] Installing gdbm-1.23...
- [summer] [57/130] Extracting gdbm-1.23: .......... done
- [summer] [58/130] Installing libedit-3.1.20230828_1,1...
- [summer] [58/130] Extracting libedit-3.1.20230828_1,1: .......... done
- [summer] [59/130] Installing libudev-devd-0.5.2...
- [summer] [59/130] Extracting libudev-devd-0.5.2: ........ done
- [summer] [60/130] Installing libunwind-20240221...
- [summer] [60/130] Extracting libunwind-20240221: .......... done
- [summer] [61/130] Installing dbus-glib-0.112_1...
- [summer] [61/130] Extracting dbus-glib-0.112_1: .......... done
- [summer] [62/130] Installing gsettings-desktop-schemas-42.0...
- [summer] [62/130] Extracting gsettings-desktop-schemas-42.0: .......... done
- [summer] [63/130] Installing xkeyboard-config-2.41_4...
- [summer] [63/130] Extracting xkeyboard-config-2.41_4: .......... done
- [summer] [64/130] Installing libdaemon-0.14_1...
- [summer] [64/130] Extracting libdaemon-0.14_1: .......... done
- [summer] [65/130] Installing xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1...
- [summer] [65/130] Extracting xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1: ... done
- [summer] [66/130] Installing glib-networking-2.78.0...
- [summer] [66/130] Extracting glib-networking-2.78.0: .......... done
- [summer] [67/130] Installing lcms2-2.16_1...
- [summer] [67/130] Extracting lcms2-2.16_1: .......... done
- [summer] [68/130] Installing polkit-124_3...
- ===> Creating groups.
- Creating group 'polkitd' with gid '565'.
- ===> Creating users
- Creating user 'polkitd' with uid '565'.
- [summer] [68/130] Extracting polkit-124_3: ......... done
- [summer] [69/130] Installing gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.31_1...
- [summer] [69/130] Extracting gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.31_1: .......... done
- [summer] [70/130] Installing orc-0.4.34_1...
- [summer] [70/130] Extracting orc-0.4.34_1: .......... done
- [summer] [71/130] Installing libgusb-0.3.10_1...
- [summer] [71/130] Extracting libgusb-0.3.10_1: .......... done
- [summer] [72/130] Installing libpaper-1.1.28_1...
- [summer] [72/130] Extracting libpaper-1.1.28_1: .......... done
- [summer] [73/130] Installing hwdata-0.382,1...
- [summer] [73/130] Extracting hwdata-0.382,1: ......
- .... done
- [summer] [74/130] Installing libgudev-237...
- [summer] [74/130] Extracting libgudev-237: .......... done
- [summer] [75/130] Installing avahi-app-0.8_2...
- ===> Creating groups.
- Creating group 'avahi' with gid '558'.
- ===> Creating users
- Creating user 'avahi' with uid '558'.
- [summer] [75/130] Extracting avahi-app-0.8_2: .......... done
- [summer] [76/130] Installing pango-1.50.14...
- [summer] [76/130] Extracting pango-1.50.14: .......... done
- [summer] [77/130] Installing libgpg-error-1.48...
- [summer] [77/130] Extracting libgpg-error-1.48: .......... done
- [summer] [78/130] Installing gstreamer1-1.22.10...
- [summer] [78/130] Extracting gstreamer1-1.22.10: .......... done
- [summer] [79/130] Installing py39-gobject3-3.42.2...
- [summer] [79/130] Extracting py39-gobject3-3.42.2: .......... done
- [summer] [80/130] Installing at-spi2-core-2.50.2...
- [summer] [80/130] Extracting at-spi2-core-2.50.2: .......... done
- [summer] [81/130] Installing sqlite3-3.45.1,1...
- [summer] [81/130] Extracting sqlite3-3.45.1,1: .......... done
- [summer] [82/130] Installing libxkbcommon-1.6.0_2...
- [summer] [82/130] Extracting libxkbcommon-1.6.0_2: .......... done
- [summer] [83/130] Installing iso-codes-4.15.0...
- [summer] [83/130] Extracting iso-codes-4.15.0: .......... done
- [summer] [84/130] Installing graphene-1.10.8...
- [summer] [84/130] Extracting graphene-1.10.8: .......... done
- [summer] [85/130] Installing librsvg2-rust-2.58.1...
- [summer] [85/130] Extracting librsvg2-rust-2.58.1: .......... done
- [summer] [86/130] Installing cups-2.4.8...
- ===> Creating groups.
- Creating group 'cups' with gid '193'.
- ===> Creating users
- Creating user 'cups' with uid '193'.
- [summer] [86/130] Extracting cups-2.4.8: .....
- ..... done
- [summer] [87/130] Installing libXrandr-1.5.2_1...
- [summer] [87/130] Extracting libXrandr-1.5.2_1: .......... done
- [summer] [88/130] Installing libnice-0.1.21_2...
- [summer] [88/130] Extracting libnice-0.1.21_2: .......... done
- [summer] [89/130] Installing adwaita-icon-theme-42.0...
- [summer] [89/130] Extracting adwaita-icon-theme-42.0: .......... done
- [summer] [90/130] Installing libsoup3-3.2.2...
- [summer] [90/130] Extracting libsoup3-3.2.2: .......... done
- [summer] [91/130] Installing libXdamage-1.1.6...
- [summer] [91/130] Extracting libXdamage-1.1.6: ......... done
- [summer] [92/130] Installing libXinerama-1.1.4_3,1...
- [summer] [92/130] Extracting libXinerama-1.1.4_3,1: .......... done
- [summer] [93/130] Installing icu-74.2_1,1...
- [summer] [93/130] Extracting icu-74.2_1,1: .......... done
- [summer] [94/130] Installing hicolor-icon-theme-0.17...
- [summer] [94/130] Extracting hicolor-icon-theme-0.17: . done
- [summer] [95/130] Installing libwpe-1.12.0...
- [summer] [95/130] Extracting libwpe-1.12.0: .......... done
- [summer] [96/130] Installing colord-1.4.7...
- ===> Creating groups.
- Creating group 'colord' with gid '970'.
- ===> Creating users
- Creating user 'colord' with uid '970'.
- [summer] [96/130] Extracting colord-1.4.7: .......... done
- [summer] [97/130] Installing giflib-5.2.1_1...
- [summer] [97/130] Extracting giflib-5.2.1_1: .......... done
- [summer] [98/130] Installing libepoxy-1.5.9...
- [summer] [98/130] Extracting libepoxy-1.5.9: .......... done
- [summer] [99/130] Installing hunspell-1.7.2_1...
- [summer] [99/130] Extracting hunspell-1.7.2_1: .......... done
- [summer] [100/130] Installing gstreamer1-plugins-1.22.10_1...
- [summer] [100/130] Extracting gstreamer1-plugins-1.22.10_1: .......... done
- [summer] [101/130] Installing libXcursor-1.2.2...
- [summer] [101/130] Extracting libXcursor-1.2.2: .......... done
- [summer] [102/130] Installing libgcrypt-1.10.3_1...
- [summer] [102/130] Extracting libgcrypt-1.10.3_1: .......... done
- [summer] [103/130] Installing json-glib-1.8.0...
- [summer] [103/130] Extracting json-glib-1.8.0: ......
- .... done
- [summer] [104/130] Installing libXcomposite-0.4.6_1,1...
- [summer] [104/130] Extracting libXcomposite-0.4.6_1,1: .......... done
- [summer] [105/130] Installing libnotify-0.8.2_2...
- [summer] [105/130] Extracting libnotify-0.8.2_2: .......... done
- [summer] [106/130] Installing libGLU-9.0.2_2...
- [summer] [106/130] Extracting libGLU-9.0.2_2: ..... done
- [summer] [107/130] Installing hyphen-2.8.8...
- [summer] [107/130] Extracting hyphen-2.8.8: .......... done
- [summer] [108/130] Installing libXt-1.3.0,1...
- [summer] [108/130] Extracting libXt-1.3.0,1: .......... done
- [summer] [109/130] Installing gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1.22.10_2...
- [summer] [109/130] Extracting gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1.22.10_2: .......... done
- [summer] [110/130] Installing libxslt-1.1.37_1...
- [summer] [110/130] Extracting libxslt-1.1.37_1: .......... done
- [summer] [111/130] Installing woff2-1.0.2_5...
- [summer] [111/130] Extracting woff2-1.0.2_5: .......... done
- [summer] [112/130] Installing openjpeg-2.5.2...
- [summer] [112/130] Extracting openjpeg-2.5.2: .......... done
- [summer] [113/130] Installing harfbuzz-icu-8.4.0...
- [summer] [113/130] Extracting harfbuzz-icu-8.4.0: ........ done
- [summer] [114/130] Installing libsoup-2.74.3...
- [summer] [114/130] Extracting libsoup-2.74.3: .......... done
- [summer] [115/130] Installing gtk3-3.24.42...
- [summer] [115/130] Extracting gtk3-3.24.42: .......... done
- [summer] [116/130] Installing wpebackend-fdo-1.12.0...
- [summer] [116/130] Extracting wpebackend-fdo-1.12.0: .......... done
- [summer] [117/130] Installing webp-1.3.2_1...
- [summer] [117/130] Extracting webp-1.3.2_1: .......... done
- [summer] [118/130] Installing gstreamer1-plugins-gl-1.22.10...
- [summer] [118/130] Extracting gstreamer1-plugins-gl-1.22.10: .......... done
- [summer] [119/130] Installing enchant2-2.2.15_5...
- [summer] [119/130] Extracting enchant2-2.2.15_5: .......... done
- [summer] [120/130] Installing libsecret-0.20.5_3...
- [summer] [120/130] Extracting libsecret-0.20.5_3: .......... done
- [summer] [121/130] Installing geoclue-2.7.1_1...
- [summer] [121/130] Extracting geoclue-2.7.1_1: .......... done
- [summer] [122/130] Installing libXxf86vm-1.1.4_4...
- [summer] [122/130] Extracting libXxf86vm-1.1.4_4: .......... done
- [summer] [123/130] Installing libmspack-0.11alpha...
- [summer] [123/130] Extracting libmspack-0.11alpha: ......... done
- [summer] [124/130] Installing webkit2-gtk3-2.34.6_10...
- [summer] [124/130] Extracting webkit2-gtk3-2.34.6_10: .......
- ... done
- [summer] [125/130] Installing wx30-gtk3-
- [summer] [125/130] Extracting wx30-gtk3- .......... done
- [summer] [126/130] Installing lua53-5.3.6_1...
- [summer] [126/130] Extracting lua53-5.3.6_1: .......... done
- [summer] [127/130] Installing libgd-2.3.3_11,1...
- [summer] [127/130] Extracting libgd-2.3.3_11,1: .......... done
- [summer] [128/130] Installing tex-kpathsea-6.3.5_1...
- [summer] [128/130] Extracting tex-kpathsea-6.3.5_1: .......... done
- [summer] [129/130] Installing ca_root_nss-3.93_2...
- [summer] [129/130] Extracting ca_root_nss-3.93_2: ....... done
- Scanning /usr/share/certs/untrusted for certificates...
- Scanning /usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
- Scanning /usr/local/share/certs for certificates...
- [summer] [130/130] Installing gnuplot-5.4.10...
- [summer] [130/130] Extracting gnuplot-5.4.10: .......... done
- ==> Running trigger: gio-modules.ucl
- Generating GIO modules cache
- ==> Running trigger: gtk-update-icon-cache.ucl
- Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
- Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita
- ==> Running trigger: shared-mime-info.ucl
- Building the Shared MIME-Info database cache
- ==> Running trigger: fontconfig.ucl
- Running fc-cache to build fontconfig cache...
- ==> Running trigger: glib-schemas.ucl
- Compiling glib schemas
- ==> Running trigger: gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.ucl
- Generating gdk-pixbuf modules cache
- =====
- Message from freetype2-2.13.2:
- --
- The 2.7.x series now uses the new subpixel hinting mode (V40 port's option) as
- the default, emulating a modern version of ClearType. This change inevitably
- leads to different rendering results, and you might change port's options to
- adapt it to your taste (or use the new "FREETYPE_PROPERTIES" environment
- variable).
- The environment variable "FREETYPE_PROPERTIES" can be used to control the
- driver properties. Example:
- FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=truetype:interpreter-version=35 \
- 	cff:no-stem-darkening=1 \
- 	autofitter:warping=1
- This allows to select, say, the subpixel hinting mode at runtime for a given
- application.
- If LONG_PCF_NAMES port's option was enabled, the PCF family names may include
- the foundry and information whether they contain wide characters. For example,
- "Sony Fixed" or "Misc Fixed Wide", instead of "Fixed". This can be disabled at
- run time with using pcf:no-long-family-names property, if needed. Example:
- FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=pcf:no-long-family-names=1
- How to recreate fontconfig cache with using such environment variable,
- if needed:
- # env FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=pcf:no-long-family-names=1 fc-cache -fsv
- The controllable properties are listed in the section "Controlling FreeType
- Modules" in the reference's table of contents
- (/usr/local/share/doc/freetype2/reference/index.html, if documentation was installed).
- =====
- Message from dejavu-2.37_3:
- --
- Make sure that the freetype module is loaded.  If it is not, add the following
- line to the "Modules" section of your X Windows configuration file:
- 	Load "freetype"
- Add the following line to the "Files" section of X Windows configuration file:
- 	FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/dejavu/"
- Note: your X Windows configuration file is typically /etc/X11/XF86Config
- if you are using XFree86, and /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you are using X.Org.
- =====
- Message from duktape-lib-2.7.0:
- --
- ===>   NOTICE:
- The duktape-lib port currently does not have a maintainer. As a result, it is
- more likely to have unresolved issues, not be up-to-date, or even be removed in
- the future. To volunteer to maintain this port, please create an issue at:
- More information about port maintainership is available at:
- =====
- Message from wayland-1.22.0:
- --
- Wayland requires XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to be defined to a path that will
- contain "wayland-%d" unix(4) sockets. This is usually handled by
- consolekit2 (via ck-launch-session) or pam_xdg (via login).
- =====
- Message from libxkbcommon-1.6.0_2:
- --
- If arrow keys don't work under X11 switch to legacy rules e.g.,
- For sh/bash/ksh/zsh run and (optionally) add into ~/.profile:
-   export XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=xorg
- For csh/tcsh run and (optionally) add into ~/.login:
-   setenv XKB_DEFAULT_RULES xorg
- =====
- Message from libsoup-2.74.3:
- --
- libsoup can use NTLM authentication if it is compiled
- with the SMB option. To use it, you must install a
- port that provides NTLM, like net/samba412 or net/samba413.
- =====
- Message from ca_root_nss-3.93_2:
- --
- FreeBSD does not, and can not warrant that the certification authorities
- whose certificates are included in this package have in any way been
- audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance.
- Assessment and verification of trust is the complete responsibility of
- the system administrator.
- This package installs symlinks to support root certificate discovery
- for software that either uses other cryptographic libraries than
- OpenSSL, or use OpenSSL but do not follow recommended practice.
- If you prefer to do this manually, replace the following symlinks with
- either an empty file or your site-local certificate bundle.
-   * /etc/ssl/cert.pem
-   * /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem
-   * /usr/local/openssl/cert.pem
2024-06-30 09:21.09 ---> using "7b4d2b373b0540e70214cf4c0fcf38bdedaed8d3686b2db178d7b234120b5fc5" from cache

/src: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
           (network host)
           (shell "opam install $DEPS"))

<><> Synchronising pinned packages ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)

[NOTE] Package ocaml-options-vanilla is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-config is already installed (current version is 3).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-base-compiler is already installed (current version is 5.2.0).
[NOTE] Package ocaml is already installed (current version is 5.2.0).
[NOTE] Package host-system-other is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package host-arch-x86_64 is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package base-unix is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-threads is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-nnp is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-domains is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-bigarray is already installed (current version is base).
The following actions will be performed:
  ∗ install num                     1.5
  ∗ install ocamlfind               1.9.6
  ∗ install conf-pkg-config         3
  ∗ install ocamlbuild              0.14.3
  ∗ install seq                     base
  ∗ install dune                    3.16.0
  ∗ install conf-gmp                4
  ∗ install conf-gnuplot            0.1
  ∗ install cmdliner                1.3.0
  ∗ install base-bytes              base
  ∗ install conf-libffi             2.0.0
  ∗ install topkg                   1.0.7
  ∗ install yojson                  2.2.2
  ∗ install vector                  1.0.0
  ∗ install thread-table            1.0.0
  ∗ install stringext               1.6.0
  ∗ install stdlib-shims            0.3.0
  ∗ install sexplib0                v0.17.0
  ∗ install semaphore-compat        1.0.1
  ∗ install rusage                  1.0.0
  ∗ install result                  1.5
  ∗ install re                      1.11.0
  ∗ install qcheck-core             0.21.3
  ∗ install psq                     0.2.1
  ∗ install printbox                0.11
  ∗ install ppx_derivers            1.2.1
  ∗ install pecu                    0.7
  ∗ install optint                  0.3.0
  ∗ install ocaml-version           3.6.7
  ∗ install ocaml-syntax-shims      1.0.0
  ∗ install ocaml-compiler-libs     v0.17.0
  ∗ install ocaml_intrinsics_kernel v0.17.0
  ∗ install mirage-clock            4.2.0
  ∗ install menhirSdk               20231231
  ∗ install menhirLib               20231231
  ∗ install menhirCST               20231231
  ∗ install magic-mime              1.3.1
  ∗ install macaddr                 5.6.0
  ∗ install lwt-dllist              1.0.1
  ∗ install gmap                    0.3.0
  ∗ install gen                     1.1
  ∗ install either                  1.0.0
  ∗ install duration                0.2.1
  ∗ install domain-name             0.4.0
  ∗ install csexp                   1.5.2
  ∗ install cppo                    1.6.9
  ∗ install camlp-streams           5.0.1
  ∗ install bigarray-compat         1.1.0
  ∗ install bheap                   2.0.0
  ∗ install base64                  3.5.1
  ∗ install zarith                  1.13
  ∗ install conf-gmp-powm-sec       3
  ∗ install bentov                  1
  ∗ install uutf                    1.0.3
  ∗ install uuidm                   0.9.8
  ∗ install uucp                    15.1.0
  ∗ install rresult                 0.7.0
  ∗ install ptime                   1.1.0
  ∗ install mtime                   2.0.0
  ∗ install hmap                    0.8.1
  ∗ install fmt                     0.9.0
  ∗ install astring                 0.8.5
  ∗ install domain-local-await      1.0.1
  ∗ install ocamlgraph              2.1.0
  ∗ install integers                0.7.0
  ∗ install parsexp                 v0.17.0
  ∗ install dispatch                0.5.0
  ∗ install lru                     0.3.1
  ∗ install ppxlib                  0.32.1
  ∗ install menhir                  20231231
  ∗ install ipaddr                  5.6.0
  ∗ install dune-configurator       3.16.0
  ∗ install ocplib-endian           1.2
  ∗ install jsonm                   1.0.2
  ∗ install terminal                dev*
  ∗ install printbox-text           0.11
  ∗ install crunch                  3.3.1
  ∗ install metrics                 0.4.1
  ∗ install ke                      0.6
  ∗ install duff                    0.5
  ∗ install cstruct                 6.2.0
  ∗ install fpath                   0.7.3
  ∗ install alcotest                dev*
  ∗ install sexplib                 v0.17.0
  ∗ install sedlex                  3.2
  ∗ install ppxlib_jane             v0.17.0
  ∗ install ppx_deriving            6.0.2
  ∗ install ppx_blob                0.8.0
  ∗ install bisect_ppx              2.8.3
  ∗ install graphql_parser          0.14.0
  ∗ install mirage-clock-unix       4.2.0
  ∗ install iomux                   0.3
  ∗ install ctypes                  0.22.0
  ∗ install checkseum               0.5.2
  ∗ install bigstringaf             0.9.1
  ∗ install base                    v0.17.1
  ∗ install lwt                     5.7.0
  ∗ install repr                    0.7.0
  ∗ install randomconv              0.1.3
  ∗ install mirage-random           3.0.0
  ∗ install macaddr-cstruct         5.6.0
  ∗ install ipaddr-cstruct          5.6.0
  ∗ install hex                     1.5.0
  ∗ install eqaf                    0.9
  ∗ install cstruct-unix            6.2.0
  ∗ install asn1-combinators        0.2.6
  ∗ install qcheck-alcotest         0.21.3
  ∗ install js_of_ocaml-compiler    5.8.2
  ∗ install graphql                 0.14.0
  ∗ install ctypes-foreign          0.22.0
  ∗ install decompress              1.5.3
  ∗ install faraday                 0.8.2
  ∗ install eio                     1.1
  ∗ install angstrom                0.16.0
  ∗ install ppx_sexp_conv           v0.17.0
  ∗ install notty                   0.2.3
  ∗ install mirage-time             3.0.0
  ∗ install mirage-net              4.0.0
  ∗ install mirage-kv               6.1.1
  ∗ install mirage-flow             4.0.2
  ∗ install metrics-unix            0.4.1
  ∗ install lwt_log                 1.1.2
  ∗ install hxd                     0.3.2
  ∗ install cstruct-lwt             6.2.0
  ∗ install ppx_repr                0.7.0
  ∗ install mirage-crypto           0.11.3
  ∗ install digestif                1.2.0
  ∗ install js_of_ocaml-toplevel    5.8.2
  ∗ install js_of_ocaml             5.8.2
  ∗ install graphql-lwt             0.14.0
  ∗ install cf                      0.5.0
  ∗ install httpun-types            0.1.0
  ∗ install lwt_eio                 0.5.1
  ∗ install eio_posix               1.1
  ∗ install uri                     4.4.0
  ∗ install httpaf                  0.7.1
  ∗ install hpack                   0.12.0
  ∗ install encore                  0.8
  ∗ install emile                   1.1
  ∗ install ipaddr-sexp             5.6.0
  ∗ install pbkdf                   1.2.0
  ∗ install hkdf                    1.0.4
  ∗ install tezos-base58            1.0.0
  ∗ install brr                     0.0.6
  ∗ install logs                    0.7.0
  ∗ install js_of_ocaml-ppx         5.8.2
  ∗ install fsevents                0.3.0
  ∗ install cf-lwt                  0.5.0
  ∗ install eio_main                1.1
  ∗ install uri-sexp                4.4.0
  ∗ install h2                      0.12.0
  ∗ install progress                dev*
  ∗ install mirage-runtime          4.6.0
  ∗ install mirage-crypto-rng       0.11.3
  ∗ install mimic                   0.0.9
  ∗ install mdx                     2.4.1
  ∗ install happy-eyeballs          1.1.0
  ∗ install ethernet                3.2.0
  ∗ install dns                     8.0.0
  ∗ install conduit                 6.2.3
  ∗ install bos                     0.2.1
  ∗ install js_of_ocaml-lwt         5.8.2
  ∗ install fsevents-lwt            0.3.0
  ∗ install cohttp                  5.3.1
  ∗ install index                   dev*
  ∗ install mirage-unix             5.0.1
  ∗ install mirage-crypto-pk        0.11.3
  ∗ install mirage-crypto-ec        0.11.3
  ∗ install arp                     3.1.1
  ∗ install happy-eyeballs-lwt      1.1.0
  ∗ install dns-client              8.0.0
  ∗ install conduit-lwt             6.2.3
  ∗ install yaml                    3.2.0
  ∗ install carton                  0.7.2
  ∗ install irmin-watcher           dev*
  ∗ install websocket               2.16
  ∗ install webmachine              0.7.0
  ∗ install graphql-cohttp          0.14.0
  ∗ install cohttp-lwt              5.3.0
  ∗ install x509                    0.16.5
  ∗ install tcpip                   8.1.0
  ∗ install carton-lwt              0.7.2
  ∗ install tls                     0.17.5
  ∗ install ca-certs-nss            3.101
  ∗ install ca-certs                0.2.3
  ∗ install awa                     0.3.1
  ∗ install happy-eyeballs-mirage   1.1.0
  ∗ install carton-git              0.7.2
  ∗ install tls-mirage              0.17.5
  ∗ install conduit-lwt-unix        6.2.3
  ∗ install awa-mirage              0.3.1
  ∗ install git                     3.16.1
  ∗ install paf                     0.6.0
  ∗ install dns-client-mirage       8.0.0
  ∗ install cohttp-lwt-unix         5.3.0
  ∗ install git-paf                 3.16.1
  ∗ install mimic-happy-eyeballs    0.0.9
  ∗ install websocket-lwt-unix      2.16
  ∗ install git-mirage              3.16.1
  ∗ install git-unix                3.16.1
===== ∗ 200 =====

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
⬇ retrieved angstrom.0.16.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved arp.3.1.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved asn1-combinators.0.2.6  (cached)
⬇ retrieved astring.0.8.5  (cached)
⬇ retrieved awa.0.3.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved awa-mirage.0.3.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved base64.3.5.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved base.v0.17.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved bentov.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved bheap.2.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved bigarray-compat.1.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved bigstringaf.0.9.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved bisect_ppx.2.8.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved bos.0.2.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ca-certs.0.2.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved brr.0.0.6  (cached)
⬇ retrieved  (no changes)
⬇ retrieved camlp-streams.5.0.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved carton.0.7.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved carton-git.0.7.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved carton-lwt.0.7.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cf.0.5.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cf-lwt.0.5.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ca-certs-nss.3.101  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cmdliner.1.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cohttp-lwt.5.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cohttp.5.3.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved checkseum.0.5.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved conduit.6.2.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved conduit-lwt.6.2.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved conf-gmp.4  (cached)
⬇ retrieved conf-gmp-powm-sec.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cppo.1.6.9  (cached)
∗ installed conf-pkg-config.3
∗ installed conf-gmp.4
∗ installed conf-libffi.2.0.0
⬇ retrieved crunch.3.3.1  (cached)
∗ installed conf-gmp-powm-sec.3
∗ installed conf-gnuplot.0.1
⬇ retrieved conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved csexp.1.5.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cstruct.6.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cstruct-unix.6.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ctypes.0.22.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ctypes-foreign.0.22.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved cstruct-lwt.6.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved dispatch.0.5.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved decompress.1.5.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved dns.8.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved dns-client.8.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved dns-client-mirage.8.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved domain-local-await.1.0.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved domain-name.0.4.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved duff.0.5  (cached)
⬇ retrieved digestif.1.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved duration.0.2.1  (cached)
∗ installed cmdliner.1.3.0
⬇ retrieved eio.1.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved dune.3.16.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved eio_posix.1.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved eio_main.1.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved either.1.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved emile.1.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved encore.0.8  (cached)
⬇ retrieved eqaf.0.9  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ethernet.3.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved faraday.0.8.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved fmt.0.9.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved fpath.0.7.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved fsevents.0.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved fsevents-lwt.0.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved gen.1.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved dune-configurator.3.16.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved git-mirage.3.16.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved git-paf.3.16.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved git-unix.3.16.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved gmap.0.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved graphql.0.14.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved graphql-cohttp.0.14.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved graphql-lwt.0.14.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved graphql_parser.0.14.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved git.3.16.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved happy-eyeballs.1.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved happy-eyeballs-lwt.1.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved happy-eyeballs-mirage.1.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved hex.1.5.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved hkdf.1.0.4  (cached)
⬇ retrieved hmap.0.8.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved h2.0.12.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved httpaf.0.7.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved httpun-types.0.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved hxd.0.3.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved hpack.0.12.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved iomux.0.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved integers.0.7.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ipaddr.5.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ipaddr-cstruct.5.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ipaddr-sexp.5.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved  (no changes)
⬇ retrieved  (no changes)
⬇ retrieved js_of_ocaml.5.8.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved js_of_ocaml-lwt.5.8.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved js_of_ocaml-ppx.5.8.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved jsonm.1.0.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ke.0.6  (cached)
⬇ retrieved logs.0.7.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved lru.0.3.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved lwt.5.7.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved lwt-dllist.1.0.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved lwt_eio.0.5.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved lwt_log.1.1.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved macaddr.5.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved macaddr-cstruct.5.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved magic-mime.1.3.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mdx.2.4.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved menhir.20231231  (cached)
⬇ retrieved menhirCST.20231231  (cached)
⬇ retrieved menhirLib.20231231  (cached)
⬇ retrieved menhirSdk.20231231  (cached)
⬇ retrieved metrics.0.4.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved metrics-unix.0.4.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mimic.0.0.9  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mimic-happy-eyeballs.0.0.9  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-clock.4.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-clock-unix.4.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-crypto.0.11.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-flow.4.0.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-kv.6.1.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-net.4.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-random.3.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-time.3.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-unix.5.0.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mtime.2.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved notty.0.2.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved num.1.5  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.17.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocaml-version.3.6.7  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocaml_intrinsics_kernel.v0.17.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved mirage-runtime.4.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocamlfind.1.9.6  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocplib-endian.1.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved optint.0.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocamlgraph.2.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved paf.0.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved parsexp.v0.17.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved pbkdf.1.2.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved pecu.0.7  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ppx_blob.0.8.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ppx_derivers.1.2.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ppx_deriving.6.0.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ppx_repr.0.7.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ppx_sexp_conv.v0.17.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ppxlib.0.32.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ppxlib_jane.v0.17.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved printbox.0.11  (cached)
⬇ retrieved printbox-text.0.11  (cached)
∗ installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
∗ installed base-bytes.base
⬇ retrieved psq.0.2.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ocamlbuild.0.14.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved qcheck-alcotest.0.21.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved ptime.1.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved  (no changes)
⬇ retrieved randomconv.0.1.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved re.1.11.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved qcheck-core.0.21.3  (cached)
⬇ retrieved result.1.5  (cached)
⬇ retrieved rresult.0.7.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved rusage.1.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved sedlex.3.2  (cached)
⬇ retrieved seq.base  (cached)
∗ installed seq.base
⬇ retrieved sexplib.v0.17.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved semaphore-compat.1.0.1  (cached)
⬇ retrieved sexplib0.v0.17.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved stdlib-shims.0.3.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved stringext.1.6.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved tcpip.8.1.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved repr.0.7.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved tezos-base58.1.0.0  (cached)
⬇ retrieved thread-table.1.0.0  (cached)
∗ installed num.1.5
⬇ retrieved  (no changes)
⬇ retrieved topkg.1.0.7  (cached)
∗ installed dune.3.16.0
⬇ retrieved uri.4.4.0  (cached)
∗ installed macaddr.5.6.0
∗ installed lwt-dllist.1.0.1
⬇ retrieved uri-sexp.4.4.0  (cached)
∗ installed menhirCST.20231231
∗ installed magic-mime.1.3.1
∗ installed gmap.0.3.0
∗ installed gen.1.1
∗ installed either.1.0.0
∗ installed duration.0.2.1
∗ installed domain-name.0.4.0
∗ installed csexp.1.5.2
⬇ retrieved uucp.15.1.0  (cached)
∗ installed mirage-clock.4.2.0
⬇ retrieved uuidm.0.9.8  (cached)
∗ installed ipaddr.5.6.0
⬇ retrieved uutf.1.0.3  (cached)
∗ installed optint.0.3.0
⬇ retrieved vector.1.0.0  (cached)
∗ installed pecu.0.7
⬇ retrieved webmachine.0.7.0  (cached)
∗ installed dune-configurator.3.16.0
⬇ retrieved websocket.2.16  (cached)
∗ installed ppx_derivers.1.2.1
⬇ retrieved websocket-lwt-unix.2.16  (cached)
∗ installed printbox.0.11
∗ installed ocaml_intrinsics_kernel.v0.17.0
∗ installed ocaml-version.3.6.7
⬇ retrieved x509.0.16.5  (cached)
∗ installed ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0
∗ installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.17.0
∗ installed menhirSdk.20231231
⬇ retrieved yaml.3.2.0  (cached)
∗ installed bigstringaf.0.9.1
∗ installed menhirLib.20231231
∗ installed cppo.1.6.9
⬇ retrieved yojson.2.2.2  (cached)
∗ installed psq.0.2.1
⬇ retrieved zarith.1.13  (cached)
∗ installed mirage-clock-unix.4.2.0
∗ installed camlp-streams.5.0.1
∗ installed result.1.5
∗ installed bigarray-compat.1.1.0
∗ installed faraday.0.8.2
∗ installed bheap.2.0.0
∗ installed iomux.0.3
∗ installed checkseum.0.5.2
∗ installed bentov.1
∗ installed base64.3.5.1
∗ installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
⬇ retrieved tls-mirage.0.17.5  (cached)
∗ installed lru.0.3.1
⬇ retrieved tls.0.17.5  (cached)
∗ installed angstrom.0.16.0
∗ installed dispatch.0.5.0
∗ installed stdlib-shims.0.3.0
∗ installed ocplib-endian.1.2
∗ installed semaphore-compat.1.0.1
∗ installed httpun-types.0.1.0
∗ installed stringext.1.6.0
∗ installed rusage.1.0.0
∗ installed vector.1.0.0
∗ installed thread-table.1.0.0
∗ installed re.1.11.0
∗ installed sexplib0.v0.17.0
∗ installed qcheck-core.0.21.3
∗ installed domain-local-await.1.0.1
∗ installed integers.0.7.0
∗ installed httpaf.0.7.1
∗ installed decompress.1.5.3
∗ installed hpack.0.12.0
∗ installed yojson.2.2.2
∗ installed uri.4.4.0
∗ installed parsexp.v0.17.0
∗ installed h2.0.12.0
∗ installed zarith.1.13
∗ installed ocamlgraph.2.1.0
∗ installed sexplib.v0.17.0
∗ installed lwt.5.7.0
∗ installed mirage-time.3.0.0
∗ installed lwt_log.1.1.2
∗ installed hxd.0.3.2
∗ installed ctypes.0.22.0
∗ installed topkg.1.0.7
∗ installed hmap.0.8.1
∗ installed uuidm.0.9.8
∗ installed rresult.0.7.0
∗ installed uutf.1.0.3
∗ installed mtime.2.0.0
∗ installed fmt.0.9.0
∗ installed ptime.1.1.0
∗ installed astring.0.8.5
∗ installed emile.1.1
∗ installed metrics.0.4.1
∗ installed duff.0.5
∗ installed mirage-kv.6.1.1
∗ installed encore.0.8
∗ installed ke.0.6
∗ installed crunch.3.3.1
∗ installed cstruct.6.2.0
∗ installed jsonm.1.0.2
∗ installed metrics-unix.0.4.1
∗ installed cstruct-unix.6.2.0
∗ installed cstruct-lwt.6.2.0
∗ installed ctypes-foreign.0.22.0
∗ installed ipaddr-cstruct.5.6.0
∗ installed hex.1.5.0
∗ installed notty.0.2.3
∗ installed cf.0.5.0
∗ installed mirage-flow.4.0.2
∗ installed macaddr-cstruct.5.6.0
∗ installed fpath.0.7.3
∗ installed randomconv.0.1.3
∗ installed mirage-random.3.0.0
∗ installed fsevents.0.3.0
∗ installed mirage-net.4.0.0
∗ installed cf-lwt.0.5.0
∗ installed eqaf.0.9
∗ installed fsevents-lwt.0.3.0
∗ installed asn1-combinators.0.2.6
∗ installed base.v0.17.1
∗ installed
∗ installed qcheck-alcotest.0.21.3
∗ installed repr.0.7.0
∗ installed digestif.1.2.0
∗ installed mirage-crypto.0.11.3
∗ installed tezos-base58.1.0.0
∗ installed hkdf.1.0.4
∗ installed pbkdf.1.2.0
∗ installed eio.1.1
∗ installed lwt_eio.0.5.1
∗ installed eio_posix.1.1
∗ installed eio_main.1.1
∗ installed ppxlib.0.32.1
∗ installed ppx_blob.0.8.0
∗ installed ppxlib_jane.v0.17.0
∗ installed menhir.20231231
∗ installed ppx_deriving.6.0.2
∗ installed sedlex.3.2
∗ installed bisect_ppx.2.8.3
∗ installed graphql_parser.0.14.0
∗ installed graphql.0.14.0
∗ installed graphql-lwt.0.14.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_conv.v0.17.0
∗ installed ppx_repr.0.7.0
∗ installed uri-sexp.4.4.0
∗ installed ipaddr-sexp.5.6.0
∗ installed cohttp.5.3.1
∗ installed graphql-cohttp.0.14.0
∗ installed webmachine.0.7.0
∗ installed uucp.15.1.0
∗ installed printbox-text.0.11
∗ installed
∗ installed js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2
∗ installed js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2
∗ installed brr.0.0.6
∗ installed js_of_ocaml.5.8.2
∗ installed logs.0.7.0
∗ installed happy-eyeballs.1.1.0
∗ installed ethernet.3.2.0
∗ installed dns.8.0.0
∗ installed conduit.6.2.3
∗ installed happy-eyeballs-lwt.1.1.0
∗ installed arp.3.1.1
∗ installed conduit-lwt.6.2.3
∗ installed
∗ installed websocket.2.16
∗ installed
∗ installed mirage-runtime.4.6.0
∗ installed mirage-crypto-ng.0.11.3
∗ installed dns-client.8.0.0
∗ installed mirage-unix.5.0.1
∗ installed tcpip.8.1.0
∗ installed mimic.0.0.9
∗ installed mdx.2.4.1
∗ installed cohttp-lwt.5.3.0
∗ installed bos.0.2.1
∗ installed happy-eyeballs-mirage.1.1.0
∗ installed mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.3
∗ installed
∗ installed js_of_ocaml-ppx.5.8.2
∗ installed carton.0.7.2
∗ installed mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.3
∗ installed carton-lwt.0.7.2
∗ installed carton-git.0.7.2
∗ installed x509.0.16.5
∗ installed yaml.3.2.0
∗ installed ca-certs.0.2.3
∗ installed ca-certs-nss.3.101
∗ installed awa.0.3.1
∗ installed conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.3
∗ installed awa-mirage.0.3.1
∗ installed tls.0.17.5
∗ installed tls-mirage.0.17.5
∗ installed git.3.16.1
∗ installed js_of_ocaml-lwt.5.8.2
∗ installed dns-client-mirage.8.0.0
∗ installed mimic-happy-eyeballs.0.0.9
∗ installed paf.0.6.0
∗ installed cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0
∗ installed git-paf.3.16.1
∗ installed websocket-lwt-unix.2.16
∗ installed git-mirage.3.16.1
∗ installed git-unix.3.16.1
2024-06-30 09:21.09 ---> using "1523b463c0f271d52c9783c00394d1577f85710c4aec95ac701e7bc03e282613" from cache

/src: (copy (src .) (dst /src))
2024-06-30 09:21.13 ---> saved as "9a017f91b300d6f8bc2bec0fbf520c189c28e4e434b0a3442a4a4bdf26078b2c"

/src: (run (shell "opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build"))
(cd _build/default/test/irmin/data && ./test.exe)
Testing `test/irmin/data/'.
This run has ID `UDFT4FGE'.

  [OK]          Fixed_size_string_set          0   add_and_mem.
  [OK]          Fixed_size_string_set          1   random.
  [OK]          Fixed_size_string_set          2   invalid_argument.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin/data/_build/_tests/'.
Test Successful in 0.053s. 3 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-containers && ./test.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-containers'.
This run has ID `0VA0WBE6'.

  [OK]          counter                     0   Increment.
  [OK]          counter                     1   Decrement.
  [OK]          counter store               0   Clone and merge.
  [OK]          counter store               1   Branch and merge.
  [OK]          lww_register                0   Read.
  [OK]          lww_register                1   Write.
  [OK]          lww_register store          0   Clone and merge.
  [OK]          lww_register store          1   Branch and merge.
  [OK]          blob_log                    0   Read empty log.
  [OK]          blob_log                    1   Append.
  [OK]          blob_log store              0   Clone and merge.
  [OK]          blob_log store              1   Branch and merge.
  [OK]          linked_log                  0   Read empty log.
  [OK]          linked_log                  1   Append and real all.
  [OK]          linked_log                  2   Read incrementally with cursor.
  [OK]          linked_log                  3   Read excess with cursor.
  [OK]          linked_log store            0   Clone and merge.
  [OK]          linked_log store            1   Branch and merge.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-containers/_build/_tests/irmin-containers'.
Test Successful in 0.006s. 18 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-fs && ./test_unix.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-fs.unix'.
This run has ID `BW6P0N67'.

  [OK]          FS.UNIX          0   High-level operations on trees.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX          9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         14   High-level atomic store operations.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         22   Closure with disconnected commits.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         24   Basic operations on slices.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         25   High-level store synchronisation.
  [OK]          FS.UNIX         26   Graph.Iter.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-fs/_build/_tests/irmin-fs.unix'.
Test Successful in 2.472s. 27 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-git && ./test_unix.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-git.unix'.
This run has ID `2Y052TR0'.

  [OK]          misc              0   Testing sort order.
  [OK]          misc              1   Testing sort order (generic).
  [OK]          misc              2   Testing listing refs.
  [OK]          misc              3   git -> mem.
  [OK]          misc              4   git blobs.
  [OK]          misc              5   git blobs of generic.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          0   High-level operations on trees.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX          9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         14   High-level atomic store operations.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         22   Closure with disconnected commits.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         24   Basic operations on slices.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         25   High-level store synchronisation.
  [OK]          GIT.UNIX         26   Graph.Iter.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-git/_build/_tests/irmin-git.unix'.
Test Successful in 5.157s. 33 tests run.
+15760us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+19312us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+21401us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+23062us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+27471us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+29884us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+32298us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-mem && ./test.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-mem'.
This run has ID `4E19VGMM'.

  [OK]          MEM               0   High-level operations on trees.
  [OK]          MEM               1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          MEM               2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          MEM               3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          MEM               4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          MEM               5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          MEM               6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          MEM               7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          MEM               8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          MEM               9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          MEM              10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          MEM              11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          MEM              12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          MEM              13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          MEM              14   High-level atomic store operations.
  [OK]          MEM              15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          MEM              16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          MEM              17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          MEM              18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          MEM              19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          MEM              20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          MEM              21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          MEM              22   Closure with disconnected commits.
  [OK]          MEM              23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          MEM              24   Basic operations on slices.
  [OK]          MEM              25   High-level store synchronisation.
  [OK]          MEM              26   with_tree strategies.
  [OK]          MEM              27   Graph.Iter.
  [OK]          SLOW_MEM          0   Commit wide node.
  [SKIP]        SLOW_MEM          1   Wide nodes.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-mem/_build/_tests/irmin-mem'.
Test Successful in 39.226s. 29 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-fs && ./test.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-fs'.
This run has ID `KCZ40EDE'.

  [OK]          FS               0   High-level operations on trees.
  [OK]          FS               1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          FS               2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          FS               3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          FS               4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          FS               5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          FS               6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          FS               7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          FS               8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          FS               9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          FS              10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          FS              11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          FS              12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          FS              13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          FS              14   High-level atomic store operations.
  [OK]          FS              15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          FS              16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          FS              17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          FS              18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          FS              19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          FS              20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          FS              21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          FS              22   Closure with disconnected commits.
  [OK]          FS              23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          FS              24   Basic operations on slices.
  [OK]          FS              25   High-level store synchronisation.
  [OK]          FS              26   Graph.Iter.
  [OK]          SLOW_FS          0   Commit wide node.
  [SKIP]        SLOW_FS          1   Wide nodes.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-fs/_build/_tests/irmin-fs'.
Test Successful in 45.515s. 28 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-chunk && ./test.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-chunk'.
This run has ID `ZXD7Y483'.

  [OK]          simple              0   add/read: in-memory.
  [OK]          simple              1   add/read: in-memory+chunks.
  [OK]          stable              0   add/read: simple.
  [OK]          stable              1   add/read: stable.
  [OK]          CHUNK               0   High-level operations on trees.
  [OK]          CHUNK               1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          CHUNK               2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          CHUNK               3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          CHUNK               4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          CHUNK               5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          CHUNK               6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          CHUNK               7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          CHUNK               8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          CHUNK               9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          CHUNK              10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          CHUNK              11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          CHUNK              12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          CHUNK              13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          CHUNK              14   High-level atomic store operations.
  [OK]          CHUNK              15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          CHUNK              16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          CHUNK              17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          CHUNK              18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          CHUNK              19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          CHUNK              20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          CHUNK              21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          CHUNK              22   Closure with disconnected commits.
  [OK]          CHUNK              23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          CHUNK              24   Basic operations on slices.
  [OK]          CHUNK              25   High-level store synchronisation.
  [OK]          CHUNK              26   with_tree strategies.
  [OK]          CHUNK              27   Graph.Iter.
  [OK]          SLOW_CHUNK          0   Commit wide node.
  [SKIP]        SLOW_CHUNK          1   Wide nodes.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-chunk/_build/_tests/irmin-chunk'.
Test Successful in 78.979s. 33 tests run.
(cd _build/default && test/irmin-cli/test.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-cli'.
This run has ID `GEM6X66N'.

  [OK]          conf          0   config.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/_build/_tests/irmin-cli'.
Test Successful in 0.010s. 1 test run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-bench && ./test.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-bench'.
This run has ID `JE32ZVXB'.

  [OK]          ema                0   momentum.
  [OK]          ema                1   momentum_zero.
  [OK]          ema                2   momentum_high.
  [OK]          ema                3   from_half_life.
  [OK]          ema                4   from_half_life_ratio.
  [OK]          ema                5   batch.
  [OK]          ema                6   relevance.
  [OK]          ema                7   relevance_low.
  [OK]          ema                8   relevance_one.
  [OK]          ema                9   commutativity shift.
  [OK]          ema               10   commutativity logmul.
  [OK]          snap int           0   snap_around_42.
  [OK]          tx count           0   test_transaction_count.
  [OK]          ops count          0   test_operation_count.
  [OK]          replay             0   replay_1_commit.
  [OK]          replay             1   replay_1_commit_in_memory.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-bench/_build/_tests/irmin-bench'.
Test Successful in 1.636s. 16 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin && ./test.exe)
qcheck random seed: 299681892
Testing `irmin'.
This run has ID `PHRQ933C'.

  [OK]          lru           0   Maps.
  [OK]          tree          0   bindings.
  [OK]          tree          1   paginated bindings.
  [OK]          tree          2   diff.
  [OK]          tree          3   empty.
  [OK]          tree          4   add.
  [OK]          tree          5   remove.
  [OK]          tree          6   update.
  [OK]          tree          7   clear.
  [OK]          tree          8   minimal_reads.
  [OK]          tree          9   fold.
  [OK]          tree         10   Broken.hashes.
  [OK]          tree         11   Broken.trees.
  [OK]          tree         12   Broken.pruned_fold.
  [OK]          tree         13   kind of empty path.
  [OK]          tree         14   generic equality.
  [OK]          tree         15   is_empty.
  [OK]          tree         16   of_concrete.
  [OK]          node          0   empty.
  [OK]          node          1   add.
  [OK]          node          2   remove.
  [OK]          node          3   find.
  [OK]          node          4   equal.
  [OK]          node          5   Portable.empty.
  [OK]          node          6   Portable.add.
  [OK]          node          7   Portable.remove.
  [OK]          node          8   Portable.find.
  [OK]          node          9   Portable.equal.
  [OK]          hash          0   short_hash.
  [OK]          conf          0   conf.
  [OK]          conf          1   duplicate key names.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin/_build/_tests/irmin'.
Test Successful in 113.236s. 31 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/libirmin && ./test.exe)
Total: 3 tests (3230 ticks, 25.234 sec), 31 assertions
Pass: 3, fail: 0, skip: 0.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin/generic-key && ./test.exe)
Testing `test/irmin/generic-key/'.
This run has ID `DWBIZP5N'.

  [OK]          store_offset                   0   High-level operations on t...
  [OK]          store_offset                   1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          store_offset                   2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          store_offset                   3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          store_offset                   4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          store_offset                   5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          store_offset                   6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          store_offset                   7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          store_offset                   8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          store_offset                   9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          store_offset                  10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          store_offset                  11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          store_offset                  12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          store_offset                  13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          store_offset                  14   High-level atomic store op...
  [OK]          store_offset                  15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          store_offset                  16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          store_offset                  17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          store_offset                  18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          store_offset                  19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          store_offset                  20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          store_offset                  21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          store_offset                  22   Closure with disconnected ...
  [OK]          store_offset                  23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          store_offset                  24   with_tree strategies.
  [OK]          store_offset                  25   Graph.Iter.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               0   High-level operations on t...
  [OK]          inlined_contents               1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          inlined_contents               9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              14   High-level atomic store op...
  [OK]          inlined_contents              15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              22   Closure with disconnected ...
  [OK]          inlined_contents              23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              24   with_tree strategies.
  [OK]          inlined_contents              25   Graph.Iter.
  [OK]          SLOW_store_offset              0   Commit wide node.
  [OK]          SLOW_store_offset              1   Wide nodes.
  [OK]          SLOW_inlined_contents          0   Commit wide node.
  [OK]          SLOW_inlined_contents          1   Wide nodes.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin/generic-key/_build/_tests/'.
Test Successful in 165.647s. 56 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test/irmin-git && ./test.exe -q --color=always)
Testing `irmin-git'.
This run has ID `97XIT9PH'.

  [OK]          misc                      0   Testing sort order.
  [OK]          misc                      1   Testing sort order (generic).
  [OK]          misc                      2   Testing listing refs.
  [OK]          misc                      3   git -> mem.
  [OK]          misc                      4   git blobs.
  [OK]          misc                      5   git blobs of generic.
  [OK]          GIT                       0   High-level operations on trees.
  [OK]          GIT                       1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          GIT                       2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          GIT                       3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          GIT                       4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          GIT                       5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          GIT                       6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          GIT                       7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          GIT                       8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          GIT                       9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          GIT                      10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          GIT                      11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          GIT                      12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          GIT                      13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          GIT                      14   High-level atomic store operati...
  [OK]          GIT                      15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          GIT                      16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          GIT                      17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          GIT                      18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          GIT                      19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          GIT                      20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          GIT                      21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          GIT                      22   Closure with disconnected commits.
  [OK]          GIT                      23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          GIT                      24   Basic operations on slices.
  [OK]          GIT                      25   High-level store synchronisation.
  [OK]          GIT                      26   Graph.Iter.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               0   High-level operations on trees.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               1   Basic operations on contents.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               2   Basic operations on nodes.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               3   Basic operations on commits.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               4   Basic operations on branches.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               5   Hash operations on trees.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               6   Basic merge operations.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               7   Test merges on tree updates.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               8   Tree caches and hashconsing.
  [OK]          GIT.generic               9   Tree proofs.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              10   Complex histories.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              11   Empty stores.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              12   Backend node manipulation.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              13   High-level store operations.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              14   High-level atomic store operati...
  [OK]          GIT.generic              15   High-level store merges.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              16   Unrelated merges.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              17   Low-level concurrency.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              18   Concurrent updates.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              19   Concurrent head updates.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              20   Concurrent merges.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              21   Shallow objects.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              22   Closure with disconnected commits.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              23   Prehash collisions.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              24   Basic operations on slices.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              25   High-level store synchronisation.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              26   with_tree strategies.
  [OK]          GIT.generic              27   Graph.Iter.
  [OK]          SLOW_GIT                  0   Commit wide node.
  [SKIP]        SLOW_GIT                  1   Wide nodes.
  [OK]          SLOW_GIT.generic          0   Commit wide node.
  [SKIP]        SLOW_GIT.generic          1   Wide nodes.

Full test results in `/src/_build/default/test/irmin-git/_build/_tests/irmin-git'.
Test Successful in 191.448s. 63 tests run.
+25452us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+31090us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+34594us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+37403us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+44113us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
+47431us src/irmin-git/           [DEBUG] Tree.encode_bin
2024-06-30 10:28.19: Cancelling: Timeout (60.0 minutes)
Job cancelled
2024-06-30 10:28.19: Timeout (60.0 minutes)