Organisationsjoelburgetmonaco-ocamlb30eb6 (main)macos-homebrew-4.14_arm64_opam-2.1


Link Copied
Code Copied


2024-06-29 08:05.07: New job: test joelburget/monaco-ocaml (b30eb6ff95294a8886dc9eda78ae4f8aa19b9e2d) (macos-arm64:macos-homebrew-4.14_arm64_opam-2.1)
Base: macos-homebrew-ocaml-4.14
Opam project build

To reproduce locally:

git clone --recursive "" -b "main" && cd "monaco-ocaml" && git reset --hard b30eb6ff
cat > Dockerfile <<'END-OF-DOCKERFILE'
FROM macos-homebrew-ocaml-4.14
# macos-homebrew-4.14_arm64_opam-2.1
USER 1000:1000
RUN ln -f ~/local/bin/opam-2.1 ~/local/bin/opam
RUN opam init --reinit -ni
RUN uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version
RUN cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e b6fd252bfb86f03c473aee61b4d7dd8e91bdc8a0 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard b6fd252bfb86f03c473aee61b4d7dd8e91bdc8a0 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u
COPY --chown=1000:1000 require.opam monarch.opam monaco.opam ./src/./
RUN opam pin add -yn './src/./' && \
    opam pin add -yn './src/./' && \
    opam pin add -yn './src/./'
ENV DEPS="base-bigarray.base base-threads.base base-unix.base brr.0.0.6 cmdliner.1.3.0 dune.3.16.0 either.1.0.0 gen.1.1 host-arch-arm64.1 host-system-other.1 js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2 menhir.20231231 menhirCST.20231231 menhirLib.20231231 menhirSdk.20231231 ocaml.4.14.2 ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.2 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4 ocaml-config.2 ocaml-options-vanilla.1 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ppx_derivers.1.2.1 ppxlib.0.32.1 sedlex.3.2 seq.base sexplib0.v0.17.0 stdlib-shims.0.3.0 topkg.1.0.7 yojson.2.2.2"
ENV CI="true"
RUN opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS
RUN opam install $DEPS
COPY --chown=1000:1000 . ./src
RUN cd ./src && opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build

docker build .

2024-06-29 08:05.07: Using cache hint "joelburget/monaco-ocaml-macos-macos-homebrew-ocaml-4.14-macos-homebrew-4.14_arm64_opam-2.1-5a5449f5be54cf7ffa365a55c75e0e30"
2024-06-29 08:05.07: Using OBuilder spec:
((from macos-homebrew-ocaml-4.14)
 (comment macos-homebrew-4.14_arm64_opam-2.1)
 (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))
 (env OPAMCOLOR always)
 (run (shell "ln -f ~/local/bin/opam-2.1 ~/local/bin/opam"))
 (run (shell "opam init --reinit -ni"))
 (run (shell "uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /Users/mac1000/.opam/download-cache)) (homebrew (target /Users/mac1000/Library/Caches/Homebrew)))
      (network host)
      (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e b6fd252bfb86f03c473aee61b4d7dd8e91bdc8a0 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard b6fd252bfb86f03c473aee61b4d7dd8e91bdc8a0 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
 (copy (src require.opam monarch.opam monaco.opam) (dst ./src/./))
 (run (network host)
      (shell  "opam pin add -yn './src/./' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './src/./' && \
             \nopam pin add -yn './src/./'"))
 (env DEPS "base-bigarray.base base-threads.base base-unix.base brr.0.0.6 cmdliner.1.3.0 dune.3.16.0 either.1.0.0 gen.1.1 host-arch-arm64.1 host-system-other.1 js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2 menhir.20231231 menhirCST.20231231 menhirLib.20231231 menhirSdk.20231231 ocaml.4.14.2 ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.2 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4 ocaml-config.2 ocaml-options-vanilla.1 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ppx_derivers.1.2.1 ppxlib.0.32.1 sedlex.3.2 seq.base sexplib0.v0.17.0 stdlib-shims.0.3.0 topkg.1.0.7 yojson.2.2.2")
 (env CI true)
 (env OCAMLCI true)
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /Users/mac1000/.opam/download-cache)) (homebrew (target /Users/mac1000/Library/Caches/Homebrew)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /Users/mac1000/.opam/download-cache)) (homebrew (target /Users/mac1000/Library/Caches/Homebrew)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam install $DEPS"))
 (copy (src .) (dst ./src))
 (run (shell "cd ./src && opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build"))

2024-06-29 08:05.07: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-06-29 08:05.07: Waiting for worker…
2024-06-29 10:34.14: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on m1-worker-01
All commits already cached
HEAD is now at b30eb6f Add ISC license.

(from macos-homebrew-ocaml-4.14)
2024-06-29 10:34.15 ---> using "0c60f117aee57abea8364cb033d47bb1d63ff0f68e5ee97378e032498e8442af" from cache

/: (comment macos-homebrew-4.14_arm64_opam-2.1)

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))


/: (env OPAMCOLOR always)

/: (run (shell "ln -f ~/local/bin/opam-2.1 ~/local/bin/opam"))
2024-06-29 10:34.15 ---> using "25b9bb92388ede51fae89d4de3a3dbc7bf0716456eef41b1ea8636995a3eeab7" from cache

/: (run (shell "opam init --reinit -ni"))
No configuration file found, using built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.

<><> Updating repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] no changes from git+file:///Users/mac1000/opam-repository
2024-06-29 10:34.15 ---> using "0525a69f67d7dcc5812c572fe55aa709891b6884e539fc956e1641dd42758a4d" from cache

/: (run (shell "uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version"))
Darwin 23.4.0
The OCaml toplevel, version 4.14.2
2024-06-29 10:34.16 ---> using "f4908fd0e5799798bb14c138897a7b0cd12737558237c57b6cfe71feb61d52ba" from cache

/: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /Users/mac1000/.opam/download-cache)) (homebrew (target /Users/mac1000/Library/Caches/Homebrew)))
        (network host)
        (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e b6fd252bfb86f03c473aee61b4d7dd8e91bdc8a0 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard b6fd252bfb86f03c473aee61b4d7dd8e91bdc8a0 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
 * branch                  master     -> FETCH_HEAD
   795f80f1b5..75e85d5bb7  master     -> origin/master
b6fd252bfb [new release] yojson and yojson-five (2.2.2)

<><> Updating package repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] synchronised from git+file:///Users/mac1000/opam-repository

Everything as up-to-date as possible (run with --verbose to show unavailable upgrades).

The following packages are not being upgraded because the new versions conflict with other installed packages:
  - ocaml.5.3.0
  - ocaml-config.3
However, you may "opam upgrade" these packages explicitly, which will ask permission to downgrade or uninstall the conflicting packages.
Nothing to do.
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-29 10:34.16 ---> using "dbb59f04a0b2bf108894d0ac3763292d1ed534862e190c055842c2d17cea30f2" from cache

/: (copy (src require.opam monarch.opam monaco.opam) (dst ./src/./))
2024-06-29 10:34.17 ---> saved as "fc8b4d42c9502ad1910d24e2989c30bfb6263dfd40570c18183c4f7837e9db51"

/: (run (network host)
        (shell  "opam pin add -yn './src/./' && \
               \nopam pin add -yn './src/./' && \
               \nopam pin add -yn './src/./'"))
Package require does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[] synchronised (file:///Users/mac1000/src)
[WARNING] Failed checks on require package definition from source at file:///Users/mac1000/src:
  warning 35: Missing field 'homepage'
  warning 36: Missing field 'bug-reports'
require is now pinned to file:///Users/mac1000/src (version dev)
Package monarch does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[] synchronised (file:///Users/mac1000/src)
[WARNING] Failed checks on monarch package definition from source at file:///Users/mac1000/src:
  warning 35: Missing field 'homepage'
  warning 36: Missing field 'bug-reports'
monarch is now pinned to file:///Users/mac1000/src (version dev)
Package monaco does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[] synchronised (file:///Users/mac1000/src)
[WARNING] Failed checks on monaco package definition from source at file:///Users/mac1000/src:
  warning 35: Missing field 'homepage'
  warning 36: Missing field 'bug-reports'
monaco is now pinned to file:///Users/mac1000/src (version dev)
2024-06-29 10:34.31 ---> saved as "b5d0dcbec690c7425af78363c736195d950b67195fd84ae7b03a5fcedee3a576"

/: (env DEPS "base-bigarray.base base-threads.base base-unix.base brr.0.0.6 cmdliner.1.3.0 dune.3.16.0 either.1.0.0 gen.1.1 host-arch-arm64.1 host-system-other.1 js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2 js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2 menhir.20231231 menhirCST.20231231 menhirLib.20231231 menhirSdk.20231231 ocaml.4.14.2 ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.2 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4 ocaml-config.2 ocaml-options-vanilla.1 ocamlbuild.0.14.3 ocamlfind.1.9.6 ppx_derivers.1.2.1 ppxlib.0.32.1 sedlex.3.2 seq.base sexplib0.v0.17.0 stdlib-shims.0.3.0 topkg.1.0.7 yojson.2.2.2")

/: (env CI true)

/: (env OCAMLCI true)

/: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /Users/mac1000/.opam/download-cache)) (homebrew (target /Users/mac1000/Library/Caches/Homebrew)))
        (network host)
        (shell "opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS"))
+ /opt/homebrew/bin/brew "update"
- ==> Updating Homebrew...
- Already up-to-date.

<><> Synchronising pinned packages ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)
[] synchronised (no changes)

[NOTE] Package ocaml-options-vanilla is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-config is already installed (current version is 2).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-base-compiler is already installed (current version is 4.14.2).
[NOTE] Package ocaml is already installed (current version is 4.14.2).
[NOTE] Package host-system-other is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package host-arch-arm64 is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package base-unix is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-threads is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-bigarray is already installed (current version is base).
2024-06-29 10:34.47 ---> saved as "9fea6b5df6cb3d66786bd76cd6dd7334e1f1dcb40ff7b248ff15cdc7e52ace78"

/: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /Users/mac1000/.opam/download-cache)) (homebrew (target /Users/mac1000/Library/Caches/Homebrew)))
        (network host)
        (shell "opam install $DEPS"))
[NOTE] Package ocaml-options-vanilla is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-config is already installed (current version is 2).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-base-compiler is already installed (current version is 4.14.2).
[NOTE] Package ocaml is already installed (current version is 4.14.2).
[NOTE] Package host-system-other is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package host-arch-arm64 is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package base-unix is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-threads is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-bigarray is already installed (current version is base).
The following actions will be performed:
  - install ocamlbuild           0.14.3
  - install dune                 3.16.0
  - install ocamlfind            1.9.6
  - install cmdliner             1.3.0
  - install seq                  base
  - install stdlib-shims         0.3.0
  - install sexplib0             v0.17.0
  - install ppx_derivers         1.2.1
  - install ocaml-compiler-libs  v0.12.4
  - install menhirSdk            20231231
  - install menhirLib            20231231
  - install menhirCST            20231231
  - install either               1.0.0
  - install topkg                1.0.7
  - install yojson               2.2.2
  - install gen                  1.1
  - install ppxlib               0.32.1
  - install menhir               20231231
  - install sedlex               3.2
  - install js_of_ocaml-compiler 5.8.2
  - install js_of_ocaml-toplevel 5.8.2
  - install brr                  0.0.6
===== 22 to install =====

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved cmdliner.1.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved either.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved dune.3.16.0  (cached)
-> retrieved js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2  (cached)
-> retrieved gen.1.1  (cached)
-> retrieved menhir.20231231  (cached)
-> retrieved js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2  (cached)
-> installed cmdliner.1.3.0
-> retrieved menhirCST.20231231  (cached)
-> retrieved menhirLib.20231231  (cached)
-> retrieved menhirSdk.20231231  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4  (cached)
-> retrieved brr.0.0.6  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlfind.1.9.6  (cached)
-> retrieved ppxlib.0.32.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_derivers.1.2.1  (cached)
-> retrieved seq.base  (cached)
-> installed seq.base
-> retrieved sexplib0.v0.17.0  (cached)
-> retrieved sedlex.3.2  (cached)
-> retrieved stdlib-shims.0.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlbuild.0.14.3  (cached)
-> retrieved yojson.2.2.2  (cached)
-> retrieved topkg.1.0.7  (cached)
-> installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
-> installed dune.3.16.0
-> installed menhirCST.20231231
-> installed either.1.0.0
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
-> installed gen.1.1
-> installed stdlib-shims.0.3.0
-> installed ppx_derivers.1.2.1
-> installed menhirSdk.20231231
-> installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4
-> installed menhirLib.20231231
-> installed sexplib0.v0.17.0
-> installed yojson.2.2.2
-> installed ppxlib.0.32.1
-> installed menhir.20231231
-> installed sedlex.3.2
-> installed js_of_ocaml-compiler.5.8.2
-> installed js_of_ocaml-toplevel.5.8.2
-> installed brr.0.0.6
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-29 10:36.15 ---> saved as "a740a3d316d39ffa4c3876ebed0370f55b873a3ffb936b6ac18140619bac8814"

/: (copy (src .) (dst ./src))
2024-06-29 10:36.17 ---> saved as "275adf72b0713c094994d7b913693c6522aa0787b25ea701b7a21b00ffc9e8b9"

/: (run (shell "cd ./src && opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build"))
2024-06-29 10:36.19 ---> saved as "a1e1a61601ecbc5a93def034b5debd633ab9ba9993841b30eb8de54cc206caaf"
Job succeeded
2024-06-29 10:36.23: Job succeeded