Organisationscdaringemy.hoodd53fcb (main)(lower-bound)



Show full logs
2024-06-30 13:59.39: New job: test cdaringe/my.hood (d53fcbf35110e10f3a7b0bd05c5de45af387446a) (linux-x86_64:(lower-bound))
Base: ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
Opam project build

To reproduce locally:

git clone --recursive "" -b "main" && cd "my.hood" && git reset --hard d53fcbf3
cat > Dockerfile <<'END-OF-DOCKERFILE'
FROM ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
# debian-12-4.08_opam-2.1
USER 1000:1000
RUN sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam
RUN opam init --reinit -ni
RUN uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version
RUN sudo chown opam /src
RUN cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e 75e85d5bb77f27fae869788623c85b5fe8b7ff40 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard 75e85d5bb77f27fae869788623c85b5fe8b7ff40 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u
COPY --chown=1000:1000 hood.opam ./
RUN opam pin add -yn './'
ENV DEPS="alcotest.1.0.0 angstrom.0.14.0 astring.0.8.5 base.v0.14.0 base-bigarray.base base-bytes.base base-threads.base base-unix.base base64.3.1.0 bigarray-compat.1.0.0 bigstringaf.0.5.0 biniou.1.2.0 bos.0.2.0 caqti.1.4.0 caqti-lwt.1.3.0 cmdliner.1.1.0 conf-libev.4-11 conf-libssl.1 conf-m4.1 conf-pkg-config.1.0 conf-which.1 containers.3.6 cppo.1.6.1 csexp.1.5.1 cstruct.4.0.0 digestif.0.8.1 dot-merlin-reader.3.4.0 dream.1.0.0~alpha1 dream-livereload.0.1.0 dune.3.10.0 dune-build-info.1.11.0 dune-configurator.2.3.0 dune-private-libs.2.3.0 duration.0.1.0 dyn.3.10.0 easy-format.1.0.1 either.1.0.0 eqaf.0.7 faraday.0.6.1 faraday-lwt.0.5.0 faraday-lwt-unix.0.6.0 fix.20130611 fmt.0.8.9 fpath.0.7.3 graphql.0.9.0 graphql-lwt.0.9.0 graphql_parser.0.13.0 hmap.0.8.1 irmin-watcher.0.3.0 jbuilder.1.0+beta20.1 js_of_ocaml.3.6.0 js_of_ocaml-compiler.3.6.0 js_of_ocaml-ppx.3.6.0 lambdasoup.0.6.1 logs.0.6.3 lwt.4.2.0 lwt_ppx.1.2.2 lwt_ssl.1.1.1 magic-mime.1.0.0 markup.0.7.5 menhir.20201216 menhirLib.20201216 menhirSdk.20201216 mirage-crypto.0.8.5 mirage-crypto-rng.0.8.5 mmap.1.0.2 mtime.1.2.0 multipart-form-data.0.3.0 num.1.0 ocaml.4.08.1 ocaml-base-compiler.4.08.1 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.11.0 ocaml-config.1 ocaml-lsp-server.1.3.0 ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0 ocaml-version.3.3.0 ocamlbuild.0.14.0 ocamlfind.1.8.0 ocamlformat.0.21.0 ocamlformat-rpc.0.21.0 ocamlformat-rpc-lib.0.21.0 ocamlgraph.1.8.8 ocp-indent.1.7.0 octavius.0.1.0 odoc-parser.1.0.0 opam-core.2.1.0 opam-dune-lint.0.3 opam-file-format.2.1.3 opam-format.2.1.0 opam-installer.2.1.0 opam-repository.2.1.0 opam-state.2.1.0 ordering.3.10.0 parsexp.v0.14.0 pp.1.1.2 ppx_derivers.1.0 ppx_deriving.4.5-1 ppx_js_style.v0.14.0 ppx_tools.5.2+4.08.0 ppx_tools_versioned.5.2.3 ppx_yojson_conv.v0.14.0 ppx_yojson_conv_lib.v0.14.0 ppxfind.1.1 ppxlib.0.11.0 psq.0.1.0 ptime.0.8.5 re.1.9.0 result.1.5 rresult.0.4.0 seq.0.2.2 sexplib.v0.14.0 sexplib0.v0.14.0 ssl.0.5.8 stdio.v0.14.0 stdlib-shims.0.1.0 stdune.3.10.0 stringext.1.4.0 topkg.0.9.0 uchar.0.0.2 uri.4.0.0 uucp.10.0.0 uuidm.0.9.6 uuseg.10.0.0 uutf.1.0.1 yojson.1.7.0"
ENV CI="true"
RUN opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS
RUN opam install $DEPS
COPY --chown=1000:1000 . /src
RUN opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build

docker build .

2024-06-30 13:59.39: Using cache hint "cdaringe/my.hood-ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609-debian-12-4.08_opam-2.1-8615e49b9f9a8f02954aa3cddf2878c5"
2024-06-30 13:59.39: Using OBuilder spec:
((from ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609)
 (comment debian-12-4.08_opam-2.1)
 (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))
 (env OPAMCOLOR always)
 (workdir /src)
 (run (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam"))
 (run (shell "opam init --reinit -ni"))
 (run (shell "uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version"))
 (workdir /src)
 (run (shell "sudo chown opam /src"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e 75e85d5bb77f27fae869788623c85b5fe8b7ff40 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard 75e85d5bb77f27fae869788623c85b5fe8b7ff40 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
 (copy (src hood.opam) (dst ./))
 (run (network host)
      (shell "opam pin add -yn './'"))
 (env DEPS "alcotest.1.0.0 angstrom.0.14.0 astring.0.8.5 base.v0.14.0 base-bigarray.base base-bytes.base base-threads.base base-unix.base base64.3.1.0 bigarray-compat.1.0.0 bigstringaf.0.5.0 biniou.1.2.0 bos.0.2.0 caqti.1.4.0 caqti-lwt.1.3.0 cmdliner.1.1.0 conf-libev.4-11 conf-libssl.1 conf-m4.1 conf-pkg-config.1.0 conf-which.1 containers.3.6 cppo.1.6.1 csexp.1.5.1 cstruct.4.0.0 digestif.0.8.1 dot-merlin-reader.3.4.0 dream.1.0.0~alpha1 dream-livereload.0.1.0 dune.3.10.0 dune-build-info.1.11.0 dune-configurator.2.3.0 dune-private-libs.2.3.0 duration.0.1.0 dyn.3.10.0 easy-format.1.0.1 either.1.0.0 eqaf.0.7 faraday.0.6.1 faraday-lwt.0.5.0 faraday-lwt-unix.0.6.0 fix.20130611 fmt.0.8.9 fpath.0.7.3 graphql.0.9.0 graphql-lwt.0.9.0 graphql_parser.0.13.0 hmap.0.8.1 irmin-watcher.0.3.0 jbuilder.1.0+beta20.1 js_of_ocaml.3.6.0 js_of_ocaml-compiler.3.6.0 js_of_ocaml-ppx.3.6.0 lambdasoup.0.6.1 logs.0.6.3 lwt.4.2.0 lwt_ppx.1.2.2 lwt_ssl.1.1.1 magic-mime.1.0.0 markup.0.7.5 menhir.20201216 menhirLib.20201216 menhirSdk.20201216 mirage-crypto.0.8.5 mirage-crypto-rng.0.8.5 mmap.1.0.2 mtime.1.2.0 multipart-form-data.0.3.0 num.1.0 ocaml.4.08.1 ocaml-base-compiler.4.08.1 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.11.0 ocaml-config.1 ocaml-lsp-server.1.3.0 ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0 ocaml-version.3.3.0 ocamlbuild.0.14.0 ocamlfind.1.8.0 ocamlformat.0.21.0 ocamlformat-rpc.0.21.0 ocamlformat-rpc-lib.0.21.0 ocamlgraph.1.8.8 ocp-indent.1.7.0 octavius.0.1.0 odoc-parser.1.0.0 opam-core.2.1.0 opam-dune-lint.0.3 opam-file-format.2.1.3 opam-format.2.1.0 opam-installer.2.1.0 opam-repository.2.1.0 opam-state.2.1.0 ordering.3.10.0 parsexp.v0.14.0 pp.1.1.2 ppx_derivers.1.0 ppx_deriving.4.5-1 ppx_js_style.v0.14.0 ppx_tools.5.2+4.08.0 ppx_tools_versioned.5.2.3 ppx_yojson_conv.v0.14.0 ppx_yojson_conv_lib.v0.14.0 ppxfind.1.1 ppxlib.0.11.0 psq.0.1.0 ptime.0.8.5 re.1.9.0 result.1.5 rresult.0.4.0 seq.0.2.2 sexplib.v0.14.0 sexplib0.v0.14.0 ssl.0.5.8 stdio.v0.14.0 stdlib-shims.0.1.0 stdune.3.10.0 stringext.1.4.0 topkg.0.9.0 uchar.0.0.2 uri.4.0.0 uucp.10.0.0 uuidm.0.9.6 uuseg.10.0.0 uutf.1.0.1 yojson.1.7.0")
 (env CI true)
 (env OCAMLCI true)
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell "opam install $DEPS"))
 (copy (src .) (dst /src))
 (run (shell "opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build"))

2024-06-30 13:59.39: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-06-30 14:02.06: Waiting for worker…
2024-06-30 14:05.39: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on
All commits already cached
HEAD is now at d53fcbf chore: update ocamlfmt

(from ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609)
Unable to find image 'ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609' locally Pulling from ocaml/opam
32aa6089d8b4: Pulling fs layer
32aa6089d8b4: Verifying Checksum
32aa6089d8b4: Download complete
32aa6089d8b4: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
Status: Downloaded newer image for ocaml/opam@sha256:2a1f8dec7c586360764c898993d435aea0db4200799babfa08b3b600d6bf4609
2024-06-30 14:05.39 ---> using "20ade4b6db603de4c3d3c7688e2141ab550c5db85c35791db0d4befd2f9e45d0" from cache

/: (comment debian-12-4.08_opam-2.1)

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))


/: (env OPAMCOLOR always)

/: (workdir /src)

/src: (run (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam"))
2024-06-30 14:05.39 ---> using "93ac56b97f8764661d4b1b79600cf6f611274685e921680c49dc740037a59ea3" from cache

/src: (run (shell "opam init --reinit -ni"))
Configuring from /home/opam/.opamrc and then from built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.

This version of opam requires an update to the layout of /home/opam/.opam from version 2.0 to version 2.1, which can't be reverted.
You may want to back it up before going further.

Continue? [Y/n] y
Format upgrade done.

<><> Updating repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] synchronised from file:///home/opam/opam-repository
2024-06-30 14:05.39 ---> using "92cf1a8865420d2a9ab61d3340c11fda24626735e0a1a17bdea90ff447c97df0" from cache

/src: (run (shell "uname -rs && opam exec -- ocaml -version && opam --version"))
Linux 5.15.0-112-generic
The OCaml toplevel, version 4.08.1
2024-06-30 14:05.39 ---> using "8ddb4043f0ceab34848626c1d35e9480c07c3d8698e3ed49c93db12eec766dc9" from cache

/src: (workdir /src)

/src: (run (shell "sudo chown opam /src"))
2024-06-30 14:05.39 ---> using "822c1b04a0d34a1b7bb684f2a41fa71c638f12d7df725c805dc1f166f86e7305" from cache

/src: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
           (network host)
           (shell "cd ~/opam-repository && (git cat-file -e 75e85d5bb77f27fae869788623c85b5fe8b7ff40 || git fetch origin master) && git reset -q --hard 75e85d5bb77f27fae869788623c85b5fe8b7ff40 && git log --no-decorate -n1 --oneline && opam update -u"))
 * branch                  master     -> FETCH_HEAD
   9ddad6a994..3bcb45c36e  master     -> origin/master
75e85d5bb7 Merge pull request #26130 from dra27/os-cygwin

<><> Updating package repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] synchronised from file:///home/opam/opam-repository

Everything as up-to-date as possible (run with --verbose to show unavailable upgrades).
However, you may "opam upgrade" these packages explicitly, which will ask permission to downgrade or uninstall the conflicting packages.
Nothing to do.
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-30 14:06.32 ---> saved as "3b4841cd8e92ed8c4994ddf7ce3cffd2fbc490474dff3e3cfcc893c8e443b6bd"

/src: (copy (src hood.opam) (dst ./))
2024-06-30 14:06.32 ---> saved as "2a7bfbc02f415a8f7e315262dbb7c809e7bb4dd4e38d387c5dd2d38808d7c900"

/src: (run (network host)
           (shell "opam pin add -yn './'"))
Package hood does not exist, create as a NEW package? [Y/n] y
[] synchronised (file:///src)
hood is now pinned to file:///src (version dev)
2024-06-30 14:06.34 ---> saved as "297020dfdee149ac18481ec0d6303fd26ef09647871ce78577737f3bcf6b622d"

/src: (env DEPS "alcotest.1.0.0 angstrom.0.14.0 astring.0.8.5 base.v0.14.0 base-bigarray.base base-bytes.base base-threads.base base-unix.base base64.3.1.0 bigarray-compat.1.0.0 bigstringaf.0.5.0 biniou.1.2.0 bos.0.2.0 caqti.1.4.0 caqti-lwt.1.3.0 cmdliner.1.1.0 conf-libev.4-11 conf-libssl.1 conf-m4.1 conf-pkg-config.1.0 conf-which.1 containers.3.6 cppo.1.6.1 csexp.1.5.1 cstruct.4.0.0 digestif.0.8.1 dot-merlin-reader.3.4.0 dream.1.0.0~alpha1 dream-livereload.0.1.0 dune.3.10.0 dune-build-info.1.11.0 dune-configurator.2.3.0 dune-private-libs.2.3.0 duration.0.1.0 dyn.3.10.0 easy-format.1.0.1 either.1.0.0 eqaf.0.7 faraday.0.6.1 faraday-lwt.0.5.0 faraday-lwt-unix.0.6.0 fix.20130611 fmt.0.8.9 fpath.0.7.3 graphql.0.9.0 graphql-lwt.0.9.0 graphql_parser.0.13.0 hmap.0.8.1 irmin-watcher.0.3.0 jbuilder.1.0+beta20.1 js_of_ocaml.3.6.0 js_of_ocaml-compiler.3.6.0 js_of_ocaml-ppx.3.6.0 lambdasoup.0.6.1 logs.0.6.3 lwt.4.2.0 lwt_ppx.1.2.2 lwt_ssl.1.1.1 magic-mime.1.0.0 markup.0.7.5 menhir.20201216 menhirLib.20201216 menhirSdk.20201216 mirage-crypto.0.8.5 mirage-crypto-rng.0.8.5 mmap.1.0.2 mtime.1.2.0 multipart-form-data.0.3.0 num.1.0 ocaml.4.08.1 ocaml-base-compiler.4.08.1 ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.11.0 ocaml-config.1 ocaml-lsp-server.1.3.0 ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0 ocaml-version.3.3.0 ocamlbuild.0.14.0 ocamlfind.1.8.0 ocamlformat.0.21.0 ocamlformat-rpc.0.21.0 ocamlformat-rpc-lib.0.21.0 ocamlgraph.1.8.8 ocp-indent.1.7.0 octavius.0.1.0 odoc-parser.1.0.0 opam-core.2.1.0 opam-dune-lint.0.3 opam-file-format.2.1.3 opam-format.2.1.0 opam-installer.2.1.0 opam-repository.2.1.0 opam-state.2.1.0 ordering.3.10.0 parsexp.v0.14.0 pp.1.1.2 ppx_derivers.1.0 ppx_deriving.4.5-1 ppx_js_style.v0.14.0 ppx_tools.5.2+4.08.0 ppx_tools_versioned.5.2.3 ppx_yojson_conv.v0.14.0 ppx_yojson_conv_lib.v0.14.0 ppxfind.1.1 ppxlib.0.11.0 psq.0.1.0 ptime.0.8.5 re.1.9.0 result.1.5 rresult.0.4.0 seq.0.2.2 sexplib.v0.14.0 sexplib0.v0.14.0 ssl.0.5.8 stdio.v0.14.0 stdlib-shims.0.1.0 stdune.3.10.0 stringext.1.4.0 topkg.0.9.0 uchar.0.0.2 uri.4.0.0 uucp.10.0.0 uuidm.0.9.6 uuseg.10.0.0 uutf.1.0.1 yojson.1.7.0")

/src: (env CI true)

/src: (env OCAMLCI true)

/src: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
           (network host)
           (shell "opam update --depexts && opam install --cli=2.1 --depext-only -y $DEPS"))
+ /usr/bin/sudo "apt-get" "update"
- Get:1 bookworm InRelease [151 kB]
- Get:2 bookworm-updates InRelease [55.4 kB]
- Get:3 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
- Get:4 bookworm/main amd64 Packages [8788 kB]
- Get:5 bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [164 kB]
- Fetched 9206 kB in 1s (6626 kB/s)
- Reading package lists...

<><> Synchronising pinned packages ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[] synchronised (no changes)

[NOTE] Package ocaml-config is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-base-compiler is already installed (current version is 4.08.1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml is already installed (current version is 4.08.1).
[NOTE] Package base-unix is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-threads is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-bigarray is already installed (current version is base).

The following system packages will first need to be installed:
    libev-dev libssl-dev m4 pkg-config

<><> Handling external dependencies <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
+ /usr/bin/sudo "apt-get" "install" "-qq" "-yy" "libev-dev" "libssl-dev" "m4" "pkg-config"
- debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
- Selecting previously unselected package libev4:amd64.
- (Reading database ... 
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 18735 files and directories currently installed.)
- Preparing to unpack .../0-libev4_1%3a4.33-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libev4:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libev-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../1-libev-dev_1%3a4.33-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libev-dev:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libpkgconf3:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../2-libpkgconf3_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Preparing to unpack .../3-libssl3_3.0.13-1~deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libssl3:amd64 (3.0.13-1~deb12u1) over (3.0.11-1~deb12u2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package libssl-dev:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../4-libssl-dev_3.0.13-1~deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libssl-dev:amd64 (3.0.13-1~deb12u1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package m4.
- Preparing to unpack .../5-m4_1.4.19-3_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking m4 (1.4.19-3) ...
- Preparing to unpack .../6-openssl_3.0.13-1~deb12u1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking openssl (3.0.13-1~deb12u1) over (3.0.11-1~deb12u2) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf-bin.
- Preparing to unpack .../7-pkgconf-bin_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../8-pkgconf_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkg-config:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../9-pkg-config_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up libev4:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Setting up libssl3:amd64 (3.0.13-1~deb12u1) ...
- Setting up m4 (1.4.19-3) ...
- Setting up libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up libssl-dev:amd64 (3.0.13-1~deb12u1) ...
- Setting up pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up libev-dev:amd64 (1:4.33-1) ...
- Setting up openssl (3.0.13-1~deb12u1) ...
- Setting up pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.36-9+deb12u7) ...
2024-06-30 14:06.55 ---> saved as "39eb050bfa955dd55b04048b71f7eb647b77d359755373b10f0013e3cadd031e"

/src: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
           (network host)
           (shell "opam install $DEPS"))
[NOTE] Package ocaml-config is already installed (current version is 1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml-base-compiler is already installed (current version is 4.08.1).
[NOTE] Package ocaml is already installed (current version is 4.08.1).
[NOTE] Package base-unix is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-threads is already installed (current version is base).
[NOTE] Package base-bigarray is already installed (current version is base).
The following actions will be performed:
  - install conf-m4                 1
  - install jbuilder                1.0+beta20.1
  - install ocamlbuild              0.14.0
  - install conf-pkg-config         1.0
  - install dune                    3.10.0
  - install cmdliner                1.1.0
  - install conf-libev              4-11
  - install conf-which              1
  - install ocamlfind               1.8.0
  - install ppx_derivers            1.0
  - install ocaml-compiler-libs     v0.11.0
  - install uchar                   0.0.2
  - install conf-libssl             1
  - install stdlib-shims            0.1.0
  - install sexplib0                v0.14.0
  - install seq                     0.2.2
  - install result                  1.5
  - install pp                      1.1.2
  - install ordering                3.10.0
  - install opam-file-format        2.1.3
  - install ocaml-version           3.3.0
  - install mmap                    1.0.2
  - install menhirSdk               20201216
  - install menhirLib               20201216
  - install either                  1.0.0
  - install dune-private-libs       2.3.0
  - install dune-build-info         1.11.0
  - install cstruct                 4.0.0
  - install csexp                   1.5.1
  - install bigstringaf             0.5.0
  - install bigarray-compat         1.0.0
  - install ppx_tools               5.2+4.08.0
  - install ocamlgraph              1.8.8
  - install num                     1.0
  - install magic-mime              1.0.0
  - install fix                     20130611
  - install easy-format             1.0.1
  - install base-bytes              base
  - install re                      1.9.0
  - install topkg                   0.9.0
  - install ocaml-migrate-parsetree 1.4.0
  - install dyn                     3.10.0
  - install menhir                  20201216
  - install dune-configurator       2.3.0
  - install ocamlformat-rpc-lib     0.21.0
  - install faraday                 0.6.1
  - install angstrom                0.14.0
  - install eqaf                    0.7
  - install biniou                  1.2.0
  - install stringext               1.4.0
  - install ocp-indent              1.7.0
  - install cppo                    1.6.1
  - install base64                  3.1.0
  - install uutf                    1.0.1
  - install uuidm                   0.9.6
  - install rresult                 0.4.0
  - install psq                     0.1.0
  - install octavius                0.1.0
  - install hmap                    0.8.1
  - install fmt                     0.8.9
  - install duration                0.1.0
  - install astring                 0.8.5
  - install ppxfind                 1.1
  - install ppx_tools_versioned     5.2.3
  - install stdune                  3.10.0
  - install ssl                     0.5.8
  - install containers              3.6
  - install base                    v0.14.0
  - install mirage-crypto           0.8.5
  - install digestif                0.8.1
  - install uri                     4.0.0
  - install yojson                  1.7.0
  - install opam-core               2.1.0
  - install lwt                     4.2.0
  - install uucp                    10.0.0
  - install graphql_parser          0.13.0
  - install odoc-parser             1.0.0
  - install fpath                   0.7.3
  - install alcotest                1.0.0
  - install ppx_deriving            4.5-1
  - install stdio                   v0.14.0
  - install parsexp                 v0.14.0
  - install ppx_yojson_conv_lib     v0.14.0
  - install js_of_ocaml-compiler    3.6.0
  - install dot-merlin-reader       3.4.0
  - install opam-format             2.1.0
  - install markup                  0.7.5
  - install lwt_ssl                 1.1.1
  - install lwt_ppx                 1.2.2
  - install faraday-lwt             0.5.0
  - install uuseg                   10.0.0
  - install graphql                 0.9.0
  - install ppxlib                  0.11.0
  - install sexplib                 v0.14.0
  - install js_of_ocaml             3.6.0
  - install ocaml-lsp-server        1.3.0
  - install opam-repository         2.1.0
  - install opam-installer          2.1.0
  - install lambdasoup              0.6.1
  - install multipart-form-data     0.3.0
  - install faraday-lwt-unix        0.6.0
  - install ocamlformat             0.21.0
  - install graphql-lwt             0.9.0
  - install ppx_js_style            v0.14.0
  - install ptime                   0.8.5
  - install mtime                   1.2.0
  - install logs                    0.6.3
  - install js_of_ocaml-ppx         3.6.0
  - install opam-state              2.1.0
  - install ocamlformat-rpc         0.21.0
  - install ppx_yojson_conv         v0.14.0
  - install mirage-crypto-rng       0.8.5
  - install irmin-watcher           0.3.0
  - install caqti                   1.4.0
  - install bos                     0.2.0
  - install caqti-lwt               1.3.0
  - install opam-dune-lint          0.3
  - install dream                   1.0.0~alpha1
  - install dream-livereload        0.1.0
===== 119 to install =====

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved angstrom.0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved astring.0.8.5  (cached)
-> retrieved base.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved base64.3.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved bigarray-compat.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved bigstringaf.0.5.0  (cached)
-> retrieved alcotest.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved biniou.1.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved bos.0.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved caqti.1.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved conf-libev.4-11  (cached)
-> retrieved conf-libssl.1  (cached)
-> retrieved caqti-lwt.1.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved cmdliner.1.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved containers.3.6  (cached)
-> installed conf-m4.1
-> installed conf-pkg-config.1.0
-> installed conf-which.1
-> retrieved cppo.1.6.1  (cached)
-> retrieved csexp.1.5.1  (cached)
-> retrieved cstruct.4.0.0  (cached)
-> installed conf-libev.4-11
-> installed conf-libssl.1
-> retrieved digestif.0.8.1  (cached)
-> retrieved dream.1.0.0~alpha1  (cached)
-> retrieved dream-livereload.0.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved dune-build-info.1.11.0  (cached)
-> retrieved dune.3.10.0  (cached)
-> retrieved dune-configurator.2.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved dot-merlin-reader.3.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved dune-private-libs.2.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved duration.0.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved easy-format.1.0.1  (cached)
-> retrieved either.1.0.0  (cached)
-> installed cmdliner.1.1.0
-> retrieved dyn.3.10.0  (cached)
-> retrieved eqaf.0.7  (cached)
-> retrieved faraday.0.6.1  (cached)
-> retrieved faraday-lwt.0.5.0  (cached)
-> retrieved faraday-lwt-unix.0.6.0  (cached)
-> retrieved fix.20130611  (cached)
-> retrieved fmt.0.8.9  (cached)
-> retrieved fpath.0.7.3  (cached)
-> retrieved graphql.0.9.0  (cached)
-> retrieved graphql-lwt.0.9.0  (cached)
-> retrieved graphql_parser.0.13.0  (cached)
-> retrieved hmap.0.8.1  (cached)
-> retrieved irmin-watcher.0.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved jbuilder.1.0+beta20.1  (cached)
-> retrieved js_of_ocaml.3.6.0  (cached)
-> retrieved js_of_ocaml-compiler.3.6.0  (cached)
-> retrieved js_of_ocaml-ppx.3.6.0  (cached)
-> retrieved lambdasoup.0.6.1  (cached)
-> retrieved logs.0.6.3  (cached)
-> retrieved lwt.4.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved lwt_ppx.1.2.2  (cached)
-> retrieved lwt_ssl.1.1.1  (cached)
-> retrieved magic-mime.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved markup.0.7.5  (cached)
-> retrieved menhir.20201216  (cached)
-> retrieved menhirLib.20201216  (cached)
-> retrieved menhirSdk.20201216  (cached)
-> retrieved mirage-crypto.0.8.5  (cached)
-> retrieved mirage-crypto-rng.0.8.5  (cached)
-> retrieved mmap.1.0.2  (cached)
-> retrieved mtime.1.2.0  (cached)
-> retrieved multipart-form-data.0.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved num.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.11.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-version.3.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlbuild.0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlfind.1.8.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlformat.0.21.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlformat-rpc.0.21.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlgraph.1.8.8  (cached)
-> retrieved ocp-indent.1.7.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlformat-rpc-lib.0.21.0  (cached)
-> retrieved octavius.0.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved odoc-parser.1.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-core.2.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-dune-lint.0.3  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-file-format.2.1.3  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-format.2.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-installer.2.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-repository.2.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-state.2.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved parsexp.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved pp.1.1.2  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_derivers.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_deriving.4.5-1  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_js_style.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_tools.5.2+4.08.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_tools_versioned.5.2.3  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_yojson_conv.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppx_yojson_conv_lib.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ppxfind.1.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ppxlib.0.11.0  (cached)
-> retrieved psq.0.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ptime.0.8.5  (cached)
-> retrieved re.1.9.0  (cached)
-> retrieved result.1.5  (cached)
-> retrieved rresult.0.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved seq.0.2.2  (cached)
-> retrieved sexplib.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ordering.3.10.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ocaml-lsp-server.1.3.0  (cached)
-> retrieved sexplib0.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved ssl.0.5.8  (cached)
-> retrieved stdio.v0.14.0  (cached)
-> retrieved stdlib-shims.0.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved stringext.1.4.0  (cached)
-> retrieved topkg.0.9.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uchar.0.0.2  (cached)
-> retrieved uri.4.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uuidm.0.9.6  (cached)
-> retrieved uuseg.10.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uutf.1.0.1  (cached)
-> retrieved yojson.1.7.0  (cached)
-> retrieved uucp.10.0.0  (cached)
-> retrieved stdune.3.10.0  (cached)
-> installed ocamlfind.1.8.0
-> installed base-bytes.base
-> installed easy-format.1.0.1
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.0
-> installed ppx_tools.5.2+4.08.0
-> installed num.1.0
-> installed fix.20130611
-> installed uchar.0.0.2
-> installed jbuilder.1.0+beta20.1
-> installed ppx_derivers.1.0
-> installed biniou.1.2.0
-> installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.11.0
-> installed cppo.1.6.1
-> installed stringext.1.4.0
-> installed magic-mime.1.0.0
-> installed ocamlgraph.1.8.8
-> installed dune.3.10.0
-> installed bigarray-compat.1.0.0
-> installed bigstringaf.0.5.0
-> installed csexp.1.5.1
-> installed cstruct.4.0.0
-> installed dune-build-info.1.11.0
-> installed either.1.0.0
-> installed menhirLib.20201216
-> installed menhirSdk.20201216
-> installed mmap.1.0.2
-> installed ocaml-version.3.3.0
-> installed opam-file-format.2.1.3
-> installed pp.1.1.2
-> installed result.1.5
-> installed seq.0.2.2
-> installed stdlib-shims.0.1.0
-> installed base64.3.1.0
-> installed faraday.0.6.1
-> installed eqaf.0.7
-> installed sexplib0.v0.14.0
-> installed ocamlformat-rpc-lib.0.21.0
-> installed ocp-indent.1.7.0
-> installed angstrom.0.14.0
-> installed ordering.3.10.0
-> installed yojson.1.7.0
-> installed dune-private-libs.2.3.0
-> installed re.1.9.0
-> installed digestif.0.8.1
-> installed ppx_yojson_conv_lib.v0.14.0
-> installed uri.4.0.0
-> installed dune-configurator.2.3.0
-> installed dot-merlin-reader.3.4.0
-> installed dyn.3.10.0
-> installed lwt.4.2.0
-> installed containers.3.6
-> installed ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0
-> installed topkg.0.9.0
-> installed mirage-crypto.0.8.5
-> installed ssl.0.5.8
-> installed faraday-lwt.0.5.0
-> installed faraday-lwt-unix.0.6.0
-> installed duration.0.1.0
-> installed hmap.0.8.1
-> installed lwt_ssl.1.1.1
-> installed psq.0.1.0
-> installed rresult.0.4.0
-> installed uuidm.0.9.6
-> installed uutf.1.0.1
-> installed ppxfind.1.1
-> installed octavius.0.1.0
-> installed fmt.0.8.9
-> installed astring.0.8.5
-> installed odoc-parser.1.0.0
-> installed alcotest.1.0.0
-> installed opam-core.2.1.0
-> installed stdune.3.10.0
-> installed fpath.0.7.3
-> installed ppx_deriving.4.5-1
-> installed ppx_tools_versioned.5.2.3
-> installed menhir.20201216
-> installed base.v0.14.0
-> installed graphql_parser.0.13.0
-> installed stdio.v0.14.0
-> installed graphql.0.9.0
-> installed graphql-lwt.0.9.0
-> installed markup.0.7.5
-> installed lwt_ppx.1.2.2
-> installed lambdasoup.0.6.1
-> installed parsexp.v0.14.0
-> installed multipart-form-data.0.3.0
-> installed sexplib.v0.14.0
-> installed js_of_ocaml-compiler.3.6.0
-> installed opam-format.2.1.0
-> installed ocaml-lsp-server.1.3.0
-> installed opam-repository.2.1.0
-> installed opam-installer.2.1.0
-> installed opam-state.2.1.0
-> installed ppxlib.0.11.0
-> installed uucp.10.0.0
-> installed js_of_ocaml.3.6.0
-> installed uuseg.10.0.0
-> installed logs.0.6.3
-> installed ppx_js_style.v0.14.0
-> installed ptime.0.8.5
-> installed js_of_ocaml-ppx.3.6.0
-> installed mtime.1.2.0
-> installed irmin-watcher.0.3.0
-> installed caqti.1.4.0
-> installed mirage-crypto-rng.0.8.5
-> installed caqti-lwt.1.3.0
-> installed ppx_yojson_conv.v0.14.0
-> installed bos.0.2.0
-> installed dream.1.0.0~alpha1
-> installed opam-dune-lint.0.3
-> installed dream-livereload.0.1.0
-> installed ocamlformat.0.21.0
-> installed ocamlformat-rpc.0.21.0

<><> ocp-indent.1.7.0 installed successfully ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> This package requires additional configuration for use in editors. Install package 'user-setup', or manually:

   * for Emacs, add these lines to ~/.emacs:
     (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/share/emacs/site-lisp")
     (require 'ocp-indent)

   * for Vim, add this line to ~/.vimrc:
     set rtp^="/home/opam/.opam/4.08/share/ocp-indent/vim"
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-30 14:08.30 ---> saved as "6bdb900043012d37bf8528bc90030e1713815c2f5abe15fc7aedfc3e6396f6a3"

/src: (copy (src .) (dst /src))
2024-06-30 14:08.31 ---> saved as "ec4bd7a14ccc1588284780c9dfc3f0335ff6aac1f82736a434f731d8da514d1a"

/src: (run (shell "opam exec -- dune build @install @check @runtest && rm -rf _build"))
File "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/lib/ocaml-compiler-libs/bytecomp/ocaml-compiler-libs.bytecomp.dune", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: .dune files are ignored since 2.0. Reinstall the library with dune
>= 2.0 to get rid of this warning and enable support for the subsystem this
library provides.
File "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/lib/ocaml-compiler-libs/common/ocaml-compiler-libs.common.dune", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: .dune files are ignored since 2.0. Reinstall the library with dune
>= 2.0 to get rid of this warning and enable support for the subsystem this
library provides.
File "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/lib/ocaml-compiler-libs/shadow/ocaml-compiler-libs.shadow.dune", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: .dune files are ignored since 2.0. Reinstall the library with dune
>= 2.0 to get rid of this warning and enable support for the subsystem this
library provides.
File "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/lib/ocaml-compiler-libs/toplevel/ocaml-compiler-libs.toplevel.dune", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: .dune files are ignored since 2.0. Reinstall the library with dune
>= 2.0 to get rid of this warning and enable support for the subsystem this
library provides.
File "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/lib/ppx_derivers/ppx_derivers.dune", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: .dune files are ignored since 2.0. Reinstall the library with dune
>= 2.0 to get rid of this warning and enable support for the subsystem this
library provides.
File "/home/opam/.opam/4.08/lib/biniou/biniou.dune", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: .dune files are ignored since 2.0. Reinstall the library with dune
>= 2.0 to get rid of this warning and enable support for the subsystem this
library provides.
(cd _build/default/test && ./listext.exe)
Testing Listext.
This run has ID `0BE31E24-27FC-46DD-BF30-9F39E859209F`.
 ...                extract          0   test_extract_with_single_match.
[OK]                extract          0   test_extract_with_single_match.
 ...                extract          1   test_extract_with_many_matches.
[OK]                extract          1   test_extract_with_many_matches.
 ...                extract          2   test_extract_with_many_dupe_matches.
[OK]                extract          2   test_extract_with_many_dupe_matches.
 ...                rotate           0   test_rotate_base.
[OK]                rotate           0   test_rotate_base.
 ...                rotate           1   test_rotate_n.
[OK]                rotate           1   test_rotate_n.
The full test results are available in `/src/_build/default/test/_build/_tests/0BE31E24-27FC-46DD-BF30-9F39E859209F`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 5 tests run.
(cd _build/default/test && ./deck.exe)
Testing Deck.
This run has ID `919132E3-F49C-42E9-A64D-9BFE4067CCF0`.
 ...                create          0   test_create_deck.
[OK]                create          0   test_create_deck.
 ...                create          1   test_deck_card_access.
[OK]                create          1   test_deck_card_access.
The full test results are available in `/src/_build/default/test/_build/_tests/919132E3-F49C-42E9-A64D-9BFE4067CCF0`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 2 tests run.
ASSERT produces deck
ASSERT produces card in deck
(cd _build/default/test && ./board.exe)
Testing Board.
This run has ID `65630798-DBC3-4645-95A5-EA9C4B875278`.
 ...                creation          0   test_empty_board.
[OK]                creation          0   test_empty_board.
The full test results are available in `/src/_build/default/test/_build/_tests/65630798-DBC3-4645-95A5-EA9C4B875278`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 1 test run.
ASSERT has 3 streets
(cd _build/default/test && ./game.exe)
Testing Game.
This run has ID `DF889E6E-E129-4C0C-B0CF-3326E20C0B71`.
 ...                creation          0   test_empty_game.
[OK]                creation          0   test_empty_game.
 ...                actions           0   test_action_no_place_or_effect.
[OK]                actions           0   test_action_no_place_or_effect.
 ...                actions           1   test_action_valid_place.
[OK]                actions           1   test_action_valid_place.
 ...                actions           2   test_action_invalid_place_alread_filled.
[OK]                actions           2   test_action_invalid_place_alread_filled.
 ...                actions           3   test_action_place_parks.
[OK]                actions           3   test_action_place_parks.
The full test results are available in `/src/_build/default/test/_build/_tests/DF889E6E-E129-4C0C-B0CF-3326E20C0B71`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 5 tests run.
2024-06-30 14:08.33 ---> saved as "3c1f88b86d256847dd379073c0e4968f0b4509d93c6565ded166b23df2730dde"
Job succeeded
2024-06-30 14:08.34: Job succeeded